Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend


100% correct, but damn Jurgen that’s some shit to say out loud.


Get ya act and ya form back asap skipper…


Glad he said it and it was long coming. I think the faffs at Spurs, Chelsea and Leicester in particular really did his head in considering it was our fuck ups that let all of those teams back in it and gave us a mountain to climb for the rest of the season.

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Got I hope he’s here forever, we have no right to be competing like we are!


It’s not fair to push the idea that Klopp is single handed lay keeping us afloat while the club scrimp and save.

It does a massive disservice to the structure and strategy that FSG have implemented and overseen - which includes appointing Klopp.


…because they needed a manager who still stood a chance of success despite financial restrictions coming up. Part of which was that the club would need to be self financing their own stadium and training complex upgrades within short time frames and repaying what loans FSG did extend to us in the early days due to how rubbish we were run. I get it, FSG want us run well, developing talent internally and uncovering diamonds in the rough through great recruitment. They want us to complete the improvements they promised to bring to us and would like to not fund any of it. In many ways they are the perfect owners and all of that is admirable. But the realism is we are in a sport with how much you spend having a huge influence on what you can win. Obviously clubs can spend a lot, recruiting a load of shit and not be successful. But the sides that have had proper dynasties have always been clubs that spend heavily and recruit the best players. Even under Klopp that happened for a small window that enabled us to be on the fringes of CL qualifications to a club able to actually challenge and win major honours. What FSG have done would largely be fine but them owning us has made them hundreds of millions through investment into FSG, enough to add more clubs to their portfolio. They’re at the stage now they are benefitting from owning us. But we are still the ones covering the costs. Those costs like the stadium and training ground of hundreds of millions that have made FSG even more money could have been put into the club or at least paid off slower. FSG would still be making their investment back off owning us just maybe a little slower. We’ve seen what this recruitment group and manager can do with funds, VvD, Alisson, Fabinho, Salah at the time. Its a huge lost opportunity.

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It’s not, I’ve had 3 of my best years supporting this club ever under FSG, I’m 39 in one month. You focus on what you can’t control rather than enjoy what has and continues to be delivered.


Also a figure massively influenced by the sale of a single player, one he inherited. Klopp is a catalyst for the level of success we’ve had. He is in some ways the most enjoyable aspect of this period because so much of the exhilarating football we’ve played is a direct extension of his personality. But there were good things happening at this club before he arrived that he and we are benefiting from…likely without which he would not have accepted the offer in the first place.


Absolute bullocks. One of the worst takes on this I’ve ever read. I’m pretty sure that Klopp would tell you you’re talking shite as well.

Firstly, you are conveniently ignoring the £150m the club have spend on Jota, Konate, Thiago and Diaz since winning the league. This only proves what Klopp frequently says - if the right player is available the club will move. But ignore that spending, cos it obviously doesn’t count, right?

The point you continually miss about FSG and Klopp is that the reason why they align so well is because the share the core belief that there are things other than money that you can leverage to deliver success. In Klopp’s own words, if it was just about money he wouldn’t do it. The things that seem to motivate them both is sporting excellence, team building and finding the marginal gains that other operations don’t look at.

To be honest with you, if I believed that football was just a matter of who spends the most money, I’d just give up and find something else to do. Klopp and FSG have restored my faith that there is more to this than just assembling a super team with a chequebook. I’ll always be grateful to them for that.


There are precisely two clubs higher on that list than us who are on our level. One has lied and cheated their way to that position and the other runs a monopoly in their own league.

That list seems to rather counter the idea that spending lots of money is the key to success.


100% and the Diaz signing basically disproves any theories that FSG are not supporting Klopp to any level he expects/wants. A player everyone wanted, came available at a realistic price point and money was made available to sign in January (a window Klopp typically hates buying players in) as they were a long term target.

The next target now “buying players” is off the agenda for a bit will be FSG not ripping up their wage structure to sign Salah to a new contract.

It must really be a sad place people come from to constantly look for problems. For me I’m looking forward to the end of this season with 4 trophies still on the line and a fully fit squad to attack all 4.

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Completely agree with the idea that spending loads of cash isn’t a guarantee for any success. One only needs to see how the red mancs are doing. Apart from ridiculing themselves, the fact that they are the top spenders doesn’t help them one jolt.

However, I think that what ARD meant above is that with the quality of recruitment we have currently set up, we ought to do the most out of that window of opportunity, as Klopp won’t be here forever.

I can understand this, it’s not bollocks imo, and one can discuss how much should be done within that relatively short time-frame before someone else takes over.

But on the other hand, Klopp will never be the one to buy a plethora of ready-made world stars and assemble them into the new footballing Harlem globe trotters. He simply doesn’t compute like that, it’s all about patient development for him, and that’s why he’s the perfect fit for FSG as has been said.

FSG are all about the long term. They progressively and patiently assemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to make this club more and more efficient and powerful. Spending money is a part of it, but only a part of it. It’s about having the right people at the right places, developing a sense of togetherness , binding fans and team together. Kloppo is obviously the key piece for the latter part.

When one considers the dire state we were in when FSG bought the club, the least one can say is that they deserve some credit. If this was a normal league, without cheaters who try to bend the rules, have billions at their disposal to spend at will, AND also act cleverly as well to be fair (especially Cheaty and Chelsea), we’d already have numerous league trophies under our belt as we speak.

Let’s be very clear: whatever fsg do, they can’t outspend Gulf states or oil-oligarchs, or even that financial monster called man utd. It’s simply unfair to expect that from them. Even if they wanted to invest their whole wealth into the club, they’d be beaten by these clubs in that regard. So, they must use other available tools: the long term, the cleverness, the patience, Klopp, the power of the numerous supporters and fans all over the world.

Long term are the key words. With it comes patience, necessarily. We have gone a long way since Henry pronounced them first when he came in.


It is bollocks because you don’t disrupt a winning system just for the sake of making changes. Jürgen has been quite open that he has very little direct involvement with transfers, except to look at the recommendations and say yes or no. I am confident that we have the right people, the right operation, surrounding the whole coaching and management team, that as long as we don’t royally mess up and pick someone like Brendan again, we’ll be just fine.


I’d like to think that now Gordon is the main guy from FSG things like the Brendan appointment doesn’t happen. I don’t rate Werner at all and he was heavily involved back then compared to now with Gordon the main lead etc.

I think that you underestimate the capital influence of Kloppo on our fortunes. Once he leaves, I’ll brace myself for a very difficult period to come.

FSG have done well to appoint him, but there aren’t many coaches around who can match what he brings. In fact, there is none.


This 10000% this. We have wonderful recruitment tools if wielded by the right manager and a great academy if encouraged and used by the right manager. But other clubs have good recruitment and other clubs have good academies. Without Klopp we don’t continue to compete under the current model. If people don’t believe that I’m sorry but they could be in for a rude awakening.

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Brace yourself for 2024 then, that’s when his contract ends.

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Well we haven’t the crystal ball, have we? Maybe they’ll pull off a master transition and Pep will become our new Paisley, raking up all the trophies.

But looking at it realistically, it will most likely be a tough period after Klopp. But does that mean that FSG should spend like drunken sailors, even if it goes against Klopp’s wishes and visions? Of course not.

I for one hope and expect from them that they’ll continue to back him as firmly as they can and will let him express and realise all his ideas for the club. The more he can bring through, the better our general state as a club will be when he leaves.

And then, help us God to find the right successor.


Yes, unless he prolongs his contract, who knows? After all, he’ll never find a better place for himself than at LFC, and must know that. This club suits him to the tee.

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