Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I very much hope he does sign a new contract and I want to believe he will.


Nobody’s asking for that, and personally don’t think its required.

But just a hypothetical with the money that has been paid back on the stadium and training grounds plus previous profits and academy costs LFC easily have been more proactive with recruitment whilst still being in line with FFP and self sufficient.

That could have meant the LB, creative Mid and extra attacker we’d wanted for ages could have come in earlier than they did. The CB reinforcement could have come in earlier than Konate did. The strengthening on the wing that Diaz has represented could have been sooner.

All of these are needs spotted by fans at least a year before they were implemented by the recruitment team and Klopp who clearly agreed with the fans but had to wait for when the deals could be funded.

Under a different operating model the funds could have been there. Doesn’t have to be reckless spending or oil backed. Just the operating model that the club have the capacity to do.

With the Redbird investment but no significant investment into the club since buying us FSG are having their cake and eating it. Thats one thing, but even if they aren’t going to help improve the value of the enterprise they are benefitting from owning (us) there is seriously no requirement to pay off funds so quickly, our interest payments on finance are ridiculously low.

Klopp will work with his players because he doesn’t have another 30-40m to spend on someone else. Werner for Chelsea is a perfect case in point, say if we had Abrahams we probably wouldn’t sign Werner but say we did, we certainly wouldn’t go and sign Lukaku a year later.


If you want your opinion taken seriously, you need to stop with these entirely unfounded hot takes on what Klopp thinks when every word and action he says and does is always the opposite of the point you’re trying to make.


This. 10000000%

Say it again.

Thank you @deneb


This is why no-one takes you seriously, Klopp agreed with the fans? Who you… The FSG out mob off twitter? Don’t talk rubbish.

Or did he listen to the world class recruitment team finding players he wants and when they can be purchased?

That’s literally Klopps own words, not the bullshit you have imagined he is thinking.

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I don’t think that the recruitment team lags behind the fans, it’s rather the opposite… :rofl:

As for Klopp, he’s happy to get Diaz here and now for what seems a ‘reasonable’ price (can’t believe I write this, transfer fees are fucking bonkers these days). Reckless spending would have been (for instance) to spend say 80m for him one year ago because Porto weren’t ready to let go, or the player wasn’t that interested, or maybe wasn’t ready for the switch.

Timing is paramount when it comes to player transfers, and it has to be right. Otherwise, you’ll land duds right left and center.


So what you are saying is you think FSG should have bought players against Klopp’s wishes? Cool.


So you’re saying Klopp couldn’t spot a problem that fans could spot but then later he finally realised it was a problem buying the EXACT type of players that fans had been asking to be bought? If fans can see it Klopp can see it unless you think he’s an idiot? And by then signing those players hes therefore acknowledged it was something the squad needed.

No I’m saying you’re being deluded if you think any player Klopp buys is a player or type of player he hasn’t wanted for at least 6 months probably longer.

The problem is you can’t pick and choose which bits you like and which bits you don’t. You can’t say the bits that all went well were down to Klopp and the bits that went wrong were because of the owners.

It isn’t the case that Klopp picks every player. It isn’t the case that only the expensive players are any good. It doesn’t follow that given unlimited money means that Klopp will spend it all on more expensive players.

In the world where the narrative plays out, maybe we end up spunking a load on Teixera and Brandt and Werner and maybe there isn’t enough space in the squad left for the likes of Mané or Salah. Maybe we don’t buy Robbo because we’ve bought somebody for three times the price who doesn’t work out. Maybe we sign Sancho and he is as effective as he has been at United. Maybe every signing is like Keita, that for whatever reason even though on paper the player is perfect, the outcome is not. Maybe the more we spend as if money is no object clubs just add £10m or £20m because they know we’ll pay it. Maybe we don’t get Elliott or (hopefully) Carvalho because they don’t see a club where they can get a chance because we just pull out the chequebook every summer and put more players in their path.

It’s all part of the same story.


So you’re arguments is that we shouldn’t spend more money because our brilliant recruitment team will suddenly turn rubbish. Right.

Yes That’s what I said :roll_eyes:

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Time and time again, the club will wait for the right player and take an intelligent approach to negotiations.

It appears Luiz Diaz was one the club really wanted. In the summer Porto wanted £70m. The club wait a few months and get him for £40m.

And this is a problem?


Literally was the point of your post.

It literally wasn’t.

You’re in one thread claiming that Salah is the best player we ever had and will be impossible to replace and in one thread claiming that the structure and people that were responsible for bringing in that player are a pile of shit and Klopp who wanted an entirely different player is the only reason we are having any success.

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Great we have Luis Diaz but 1 there are other players out there and 2 why would he have definitely cost that? Thats also what he was apparently going to cost this window.

And you’re deluded if you think

a) Klopp thinks the solution to every problem is a new player

b) the clubs willingness to wait for the right player isn’t fully backed by Klopp.

We’ve been through spells where the manager treated whatever funds the club had like they were burning a hole in his pocket and it never went well.

Sorry but this is basically saying exactly that;

It really isn’t. But once again shows your inability to understand the whole picture and not just one part of it.

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