La Liga discussion

Wow, just 13 players registeredā€¦

You kind of feel if it had been Valencia or Villarreal or someone without political or geographical clout they would have been wound up.

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Iā€™m not sure they are breaching any rules are they? I get the impression they are sacrificing the future health of the club for the here and now, so unless someone steps in with a crazy sum of money they are the only ones who are going to suffer from this (and the players)?

Think this season the title may go back to Real, after I felt last summer that Barca might do it. Theyā€™re losing some key members and the depth isnā€™t great. Realā€™s midfield is just ridiculous, on paper possibly the strongest set of quality and depth Iā€™ve seen in ages. Weā€™ll see how they are in attack without Benzema, do they continue 4-3-3, sometimes 4-2-3-1 or try the 4-diamond-2 structure. Mbappe in or not.

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Problem is if they canā€™t register more than 13 players something isnā€™t right in the here and now, and itā€™s been an issue for going on 3 years now.

Chickens definitely coming home to roost with Dembele, they were rather brutal with him. Lots of stories in the Barca-connected media slamming him. That club has thrived for years taking a purely transactional view of players yet expecting loyalty from them, Dembele is really the logical end point.

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La Liga has very strict restrictions for clubs who over spent in a given year on registering players for the following season. To register any new player they must cut costs (or find an unexpected source of new revenue) and then can only allocate a portion of those cut costs to new players. So the 50 million fee PSG are paying towards Dembele only frees up about 8 million to put towards the fee for a new players.

The big issue is that La Liga treats existing players on new contracts the same as new players when it comes to registrations so they have about 5 or 6 players who played for them last year they havenā€™t been able to figure out how to register yet. This is the main issue that forced Messi to leave. But what that also says is this is now the third summer in a row Barca have been stuck playing this game and while they might have might some costs savings, a lot of it deferred to future payments, but most of the room they created for themselves to register their players has come from essentially pawning future revenue for lump sums in the present.

There is a real sense of them acting like a couple taking out new credit cards to pay off their existing CC debt. We all know those situations happen so itā€™s not impossible they just find themselves in a position where they are in a bind with few good options. I suspect there is something a little more cynical in play though. With the Barca leadership structure there is the issue that maybe incentivizes bad long term governance in the short term knowing it will be your successor who has to clean it up. But part of it also feels like them attempting to play out the clock trying to do the bare minimum to stay in compliance before then finding a loop hole in the future they can use to unfuck everything (such as the super league)

Courtois has done his ACL, likely going to miss the season. I donā€™t even know who their backup is.

Itā€™s the young Ukrainian. Heā€™s decent, but theyā€™ll definitely be in the market trying to find a new #1 rather than relying on him.

Is that Lunin kid still there? Lot of hype around him before he made the move but donā€™t think heā€™s played much at all.

Theyā€™ll probably pick up the phone to De Geaā€™s agent soon.

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Yeah De Gea sounds the best bet for them.

I doubt theyā€™ve got much cash.

Hadnā€™t even thought about De Geaā€¦Atletico old boy.

Yep - Spanish press has them in discussions now.

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Makes sense if they havenā€™t got much to put down and to be honest De Gea will have a lot less to do at Madrid. May come a cropper in bigger games but solid enough for them for a season or two.

What an amazing come down. The prospect of Real picking up De Gea on a free is being rightly treated with a ā€œwell, itā€™s probably the best we can do under the circumstancesā€ response :joy:

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Not that surprising, considering the amount they have already spent/committed to existing needs. Certainly not the train wreck that is Barca, but some constraints operating.

The very real possibility is that ManU will have kicked De Gea to the curb only to watch him have a better shot at winning the CL than they do.

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How ironic after fax gate


I just donā€™t want them looking at Alisson :unamused:

They can have him. Itā€™ll costā€¦but they can have him.

& itā€™ll cost 300m or 200m + Vini.

Nah heā€™s too important to lose in my view.

He is in my view the best in the world, wonā€™t often say that but he is consistently the best. I donā€™t think anyone is at that level.

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