LFC Sporting Director thread

“And it is suggested that some differences of opinion between Steidten and David Moyes could see the recruitment chief take up Liverpool’s offer.”

A further concern for the Hammers is the fact the Reds are said to be lining up Xabi Alonso as Jurgen Klopp’s replacements. Alonso is the man Steidten played a key role in appointing at Bayer Leverkusen.

Hammers News has reached out to the most senior contact inside the club over the claims.

And the top West Ham source has issued a worrying response to the Steidten Liverpool links.

“You should be asking Liverpool not me,” the source told Hammers News when asked whether the Reds want Steidten.

When pressed on whether West Ham would be powerless to stop Steidten leaving for Liverpool should he wish to do so, the source told us: “It’s not easy.”


Nick Offerman Smile GIF

well spotted :rofl: sry i just copied it :rofl:

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If it turns out to be him my 90% becomes 95%


well, who knows how reliable that is, maybe he posted it to get some clicks. At least our rivals are enjoying this. :upside_down_face: you better not read the comments.

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Can’t see the club feeding him anything.

And I doubt Edwards would eithier.


Not really like he’s in a lack of clicks and stuff, to risk such a breaking news over a club that is very much followed, especially right now.

It doesn’t sound like some crazy invention from Romano if there’s no change over Edwards.

s reactions wars GIF

I am wondering why Edwards has rejected to come back to LFC.

Maybe just cannot be bothered to commit 100% to one club and be tied down.

He’s working for Bolton offically and god knows who else with his company.

He would have to give it all up for us.

It’s Romano. 99% chance it’s absolute nonsense.


It seems like quite a horror show going at the boardroom. It has been 6 months since Jorg joined and it has been about 18 months since Edwards left the club. Jorg’s arrival bought 6 months of time for the boardroom.

I cannot understand the twiddling of thumbs over a permanent appointment for that 6 months though…

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Those comments are absolute gold. The only thing to be upset about is that these cockwombles get to vote!

Sinking ship! Top of the fucking league and still in four competitions, lads.

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Probably because of the same reasons he left us.

I can’t remember why he left us, can you please remind me thanks!

I had to google it…

The term “cockwomble” is a British slang insult that is used to describe someone who is foolish, idiotic, or generally behaving in a ridiculous or irritating manner. It’s a humorous and lighthearted way to criticize someone’s behavior.

I learned something new , Thank you :joy:

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Don’t bother about Romano unless he goes with ‘here we go’.


It wasn’t reported in any quality details at the time.

Could be anything, events at Liverpool, life reasons, seeking a new challenge elsewhere. Maybe a mixture of a few of those things.

There are some reports and theories that Edwards and company started to dislike Klopp’s growing influence in certain decisions.

Sometimes, from the outside looking, it’s difficult to say if it’s egg or chicken first.

Anyway, I wouldn’t be looking at this as very bad news or shocking.

But it is a little bit worrying if we have a lack of other, new options.

Maybe Edwards himself is also not convinced of the way forward from FSG and would rather avoid coming back, even if offered more responsibility.

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We don’t know he was even asked, it could just be rumours by click bait ‘journalists’.
I would be surprised if he did come back because he has only just set up his own business and would probably want to focus on that and avoid any complications from being overly involved at any one club.

Furthermore, I’m not sure what he would be expected to do. We already have a structure in place that presumably needs just a few appointments making - and I’m willing to believe that the DoFs at Brentford, Brighton and West Ham are on that list as they have similar set ups to us in that they are very data focused.

last summer Moyes and Steidten did have differences in opinion as Moyes wanted a number of English cloggers signing, so given that and the link to Xabi, I could see something happening. It is interesting that previously we have usually been linked to DoFs in Germany or France, yet now all UK based.


There is three kinds of Romano posts.

  1. The ‘here we go’ tap in.

  2. An shitstirring agent has bunged him fifty quid to tweet that a player isn’t happy or would welcome a move.

  3. A wild shout that he’s confident no-one will be arsed to see or correct amongst the noise.