LFC Sporting Director thread

If you lock up all the pros, there is no one left to do the work other than the consultants

im smart the office GIF

GIF by South Park

Looks like my Paul Mitchell dream is over.




i wonder who he has an agreement with


Interesting that they have known he was leaving since November which was when Klopp officially gave his notice. It is all likely to be coincidence, of course.


Yeah the November thing suggests something is in it.


with stuff leaking, we will know more by end of week latest

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Well my thinking is that the public announcement that Klopp is leaving was because they already have the replacements lined up. If they had the SD sorted in November it would mean they could give Klopp the green light to put his notice in at that point.

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No such thing as coincidence in top flight football.

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Sure but it this was ‘organised’ at the same time as Klopp telling the club, it seems unuusal for this to leak now weeks after Klopps’ announcement? Why now and who has leaked it?

Wishful thinking

Interesting development. Could be Edwards, Hughes, Alonso. And of course Alonso’s coaches and team. With Hogan broadening his remit, it all appears to be lining up.

We got to defund the police. doesnt matter what police, just defund them.

Actually is that the reason Sting no longer makes albums with the band? No money?

… and this is despite Singapore’s notoriously strict drug laws :person_shrugging:t4:

kaitlin olson what GIF by NASCAR


That was my reaction too :joy:

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Here we go!

They kept that quiet.