Liverpool Season: 2021-22

I shouldn´t have read the comments :roll_eyes:


I hope our fans cheer it and if they disagree they should firstly look up why it’s done and if they still disagree then stay politely silence.


Considering our legacy, the entire stand should take the knee or whatever gesture of solidarity or protest is possible in the stands. :fist:


I’m going with the fact that 100 years ago we won the title in 1921-22 and 22-23.

Repeat of that would be nice.

Also did in 1981-82 and 82-83

I predict that when Liverpool sit atop the table in a couple of months time, Pep Guardiola will whine about the longer pre-season we had.

He’s not had the funds to compete to be fair


Yep only got given £40mil apparantly.

Good most of the BBC pundits have us in third or fourth, like I said before, love seeing us flying under the radar.

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Jermaine Beckford has us finishing out of the top four. :joy:

What is it about the name Jermaine? Do you immediately lose 50 IQ points the moment you’re christened?


‘Former Leicester striker’ Jermaine Beckford has predicted Leicester to finish 4th :thinking:

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I haven’t got a problem with any of that. If you’re assessing teams on the basis of resources then City should walk the title. United and Chelsea should be scrapping for 2nd and 3rd and we’re in the mix for 3rd/4th. The difference for us is Klopp. I think he might like the pressure being off this season and us being the underdogs again. He once said that he wasn’t interested in managing the best team but wanted to manage the team that could beat the best. That’s us this season. No longer the best, but we can still beat the best.


I think another difference/advantage about us is the squad chemistry. We function as an unit.

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What’s happened to Jermaine Jenas, is he too big for it or did my complaint about his encouragement of ticketless fans earn him a slap from the BBC.

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youre right GIF

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Crystal Palace and Aston Villa fans are as optimistic as us? What are they smoking? Or is the survey hopelessly flawed?

Optimism for a Crystal Palace fan in the aftermath of the Roy Hodgson era looks very different than optimism for a Liverpool fan that has seen the team win the biggest titles in the world, tbf.


Yeah, what Prolix said. Depends on context and expectations. Although, surveys are usually only indicative.

I suppose if they consider thinking they won’t be relegated to be really optimistic.

Let’s face it I remember losing two games after Hodgson left and still feeling more optimistic


Since tonight’s opener is Brentford vs Arsenal, thought I’d share this interesting old-timey movie from 1939 (just before the war). It’s a murder mystery set at ‘Arsenal Stadium’, just before a match between Arsenal and ‘Trojans’ (insert condom joke…insert).

The Arsenal players were the actual players of the time while the Trojans were played by the actual Brentford players.

It’s not a very good plot, but it’s a very interesting look back. The accents are regional which wasn’t common at the time in movies (either RPs or the mid-Atlantic accent was used), there was an actual look at the manager explaining tactics and of course this was just before WW2 broke out.

Looking forward to the season!!