Liverpool vs Arsenal | PL Matchday 31| Sunday April 9th 16:30

Get Nunez on


Good reaction, we are still all over them, but come on score now!

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Despite the pen miss this is far more like it.


Ever since the double yellow cards to Xhaka and TAA, we’ve been the boss. GO!

Salah got to be off penalty duties now!

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Fucking groaned when Salah stepped up. He’s not our best taker.

i think we all did to be fair

Best I’ve seen us play this season so far

I mean he probably is of those on the pitch

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I’m so over that dopey smile from Fab when he does something stupid

Thiago for Fabinho and Nunez for Jota

Edit: What? Jones was our best midfielder today :confused:

Never liked Mo on pen duty. Fab or Virgil please.

On the plus side, we’re much better this half. More passion

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Thiago and Darwin on

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about time too

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No, Fab is pretty good.

We got a wee problem. We haven’t have anyone that competes with Salah on RW!

Bring on Nunez and Firminho

Curtis for Thiago?

Why Jones ??? Sigh !

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