Liverpool Youth Teams Thread


For those who have watched him more, what are peopleā€™s thoughts on Musialowski?

It seemed like he was quite overhyped when he joined, struggled with injuries, was written off by many but perhaps he has gotten back on track. I donā€™t know, no clueā€¦ have only seen a number of highlights.

But Iā€™ve been living for a couple years in Poland now, so there is an added interest.

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Not a bad last few weeks for the kid.



Contract up in the summer and Iā€™d imagine he will be allowed to leave.

Good player on his day but unfortunately those days did not come often enough. Never felt he worked too hard to make those days come more frequently.

I could see him being a good top flight pro in Poland in a few years.

Thats it.

Now hopefully he can go and buy a razor and learn to shave - at least untill he is able to grow a proper beard :rofl:

Heā€™s only trying to emulate his idol in Souness, donā€™t mind that at all.

Jaros called up to the Czech Republic senior team


Edwards already working his magic.

Kyle Kelly called up to the Saint Kitts and Nevis senior national team.

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In better news than the first team yesterday, the U21s consigned Man City to their 11th defeat if the season in Premier League 2. Won 2-0 through goals from Trent Kone-Doherty and Rhys Williams.

City 24th in the league (26 teams).


Surprised by City being so low,

Usually (and with the money they spend) are challenging.

Wonder whatā€™s gone wrong.


Man Utd have dropped down every available player from their U21 squad to face Liverpool at U18 level today.

Harrison, Jackson, Nolan, Scanlon, Williams and Wheatley are all U21 regulars.

By contrast the Liverpool U18 team are almost exclusively first year scholars (Lucky, Kelly and Laffey the only 2nd years and between them they have 3 U21 appearances). Liverpool also have three players in the team who donā€™t even start their scholarships until next season - Esdaille, Lambie and Bradshaw.

Predictably Man Utd lead 5-1 in the second half with all their goals scored by the U21 regulars (Wheatley has a hattrick).

15 year old Joe Bradshaw with the goal for Liverpool.

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Is there any particular reason they did so?

Their U21s arenā€™t playing today and they wanted to win.

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Embarrassing from United. Imagine being a u18 regular and getting dropped like that.

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Seems like it defeats the point of a youth team, no?


A generous reading would be that maybe they thought Liverpool would also drop their U21s down, as it is a game of course both sides would want to win, but Liverpool U21s had a game at the same time away at Blackburn so that was never likely.

Essentially to be equal Liverpool would have had to relegate Nallo, Pinnington, Nyoni, Kone-Doherty, Koumas, Davidson and Danns to the U18s game.

Anyway, Utd finished 9-1 winners - so well done to them.


Isnā€™t their U18 team ahead by a mile anyway? So the players who got them there were dropped and robbed of a suspected opportunity to test themselves against better players than they normally play against in a game they didnā€™t need to win.

Yes, they are ahead by a country mile with their normal XI, so they made 7 changes to bring U21s players down.