Did 3km in 15 minutes today. Not a great speed overall but i sort of took it easy in the first 3 odd minutes which i generally do when i start a jog.
Could have probably extended the run a bit but got a work call at the worst possible time.
Did 3km in 15 minutes today. Not a great speed overall but i sort of took it easy in the first 3 odd minutes which i generally do when i start a jog.
Could have probably extended the run a bit but got a work call at the worst possible time.
Another direction change for me as we’re getting more daylight hours here in the UK.
Went for a quick paddleboard surf this morning down at my local beach about 20-25 minutes away. Up at 6am. In the water by 7am and enjoyed a good hour and a bit. Home at 9ish. This beach is not a surfing beach at any stretch but when the forecast predicts anything from 1.5 feet up with wind / sea conditions as glass it will give some nice little small waves and short rides on a paddleboard.
In the 75 minutes o the water I somehow managed to cover 2.4 miles in a low impact / intensity activity. I think my heart rate peaked trying to get in and out of the wetsuit. I’m still not used to the zipless designs
A good intense 7.7 miles on the mountain bike this evening. Pretty lumpy tracks too.
Change of city this weekend. Managed 9.5km in one hour after a couple of days off of the run.
Skipped one day in the intermittent fasting regime but trying to hold on to the 16:8 as much as possible.
Not that the BMI is a perfect form of health measuremement , but it seems i need to lose 2 kg more to be within the normal weight range.
With a simple tattoo this guy just solved all my problems :0)
You don’t even need a tattoo, just switch clubs.
Advice on hip injuries if anyone knows anything. Fed up of this weird one I seem to have.
Firstly, I’m struggling to lift my leg up as if climbing a very tall step. Walking up hill hurts. The pain is a dull ache and the whole joint feels stiff. Rotating my leg outward also hurts. It aches and doesn’t feel like a pulled muscle…there’s a kind of nervy twinge to it.
I will get periods where it loosens and I could go for a run, other times it bites and I’m also feeling a muscle strain right under my glute and very slightly in the groin.
Doctor is an option but identifying things like this and getting treatment on the NHS like this is a crap shoot sadly.
Otherwise I’m still too fat.
Honestly, doctors are going to be useless for this. When it comes to muscular issues the extend of their expertise and perspective is that if something hurts then stop doing it, which is a path to it avoiding the symptom but not treating the problem.
You’re going to have to figure some of this out for yourself and this is a great starting resource
Start on the articles about training with pain and then the specific one about hip issues.
Could you see if you could replicate the pain on a threadmill with an inclination ?
Many thanks. Just the kind of resource I was hoping someone could point me towards.
Also a stroke of luck this morning. Having started a new job just before Christmas I took a call from the company occupational health officer today. Went through a few things including medical history etc. Pretty normal stuff but also great to see that they’re offering a good level of support to employees.
As a shot to nothing I mentioned the hip issue. I’ve been immediately asked to drop them an email and I’ll get referred to a company physio. Awesome stuff
Regrets? Why didn’t I get work here earlier.
Quite likely I would think. Anything that involves having to lift my leg and add more force down and backwards pulls it. I feel it when I sit down, getting up etc. Even lying on it on my side, the pain will slowly build.
The bike has probably aggravated it I think, along with some heavy pedalo action on Saturday. Highly recommended exercise btw , but on a par with pulling a hamstring in the bath. Yes I’m looking at you Rio.
It’s manageable but a real nuisance and something clearly isn’t right.
Check if your physio recommends acupuncture. I know it’s treated as a psuedo-science by quite a lot but it won’t harm you and I know cases where the acupuncture has helped people in managing their lingering pains (especially if it’s to do with nerves)
Certainly happy to consider it. I find it fascinating at the very least.
that sounds like a hip flexor, been having similar issues. been a month now and slowly abating via a slower pace, walking more and stopped my morning Yoga routine as the stretching seems to exacerbate it.
It could be. I looked at a picture of the muscle groups in the hip area and decided there was too much going on there for any meaningful self diagnosis / treatment ideas. Basically I got confused.
I have been playing a lot of baseball/golf last 15 years. my right hip already had problems from soccer (primary kicking leg) but the hip turn in both baseball and golf on that side has started to cause me some pain in the last 12 months. really flared up last month from a quiet winter of footy (we only got 16games in due to snow this winter and I only made 2/3 of it) and now I’m basically forced to rest it.
I played 18 last weekend and was hurting the next day, it’s fucking up my swing too.
That’s life destroying.
I remember playing golf with dodgy medial ligaments in my right knee many moons ago. I found that I could really keep my legs “quiet” through the swing and it generally helped with achieving a smooth swing.
This is frustrating as, like yourself it’s been a month now and its getting worse if anything. I’ll need to stay off the bike I think. Running doesn’t seem to aggravate it as much
It also can lead you down some wrong paths if you try to focus on the specific muscle you think is causing. Pain is weird and presents very unreliably. What you know is what movements hurt. If you can work on improving the pain response to that movement it doesnt matter which muscles were the ones most involved in causing the pain.
The hip is playing ball these last 2 days and has allowed me to complete a couple of runs on what I call my baseline course. It is stiff this morning though so we’ll see if a run is possible this evening before a rest period.
Happy that on both I’ve clocked just either side of 26 minutes for the 2.65 miles. So I’m getting back to where I was in February. Weirdly, I’ve been pushing quite hard and aerobically I’m close to what feels like my current limit but the Garmin is only clocking mid range exercise heart rates. I’m not peaking there at all despite the effort and what feels like a wall. Thanks Covid, that’s getting the blame anyway.
Having some chest congestion for the last 3-4 days. Changes in climate never seem to set right with me. Had to go from a dry place to the seashore and that’s enough for me to get congestion in the chest.
Not being able to push in running as much as I wanted. Had a short run this evening. Managed to do around 3.5 km in 22 minutes. Wasn’t winded at all but the congestion in the chest isn’t really conducive for faster runs. Hopefully the congestion clears up on it’s own otherwise I’ll need to take some medication.