Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

I’m hoping to sign up for 50’s this fall as well. been playing over-35’s for the past 10 years and need to move into my own age group

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There’s quite a deep conversation about the realisation that we’re not the physical specimens we were. That’s why god invented beer :slight_smile:

For once i agree with you. Personally, I find it really tough to come to terms with. Not so much on looks but performance levels. That being compounded by health issues isnt helping either especially when good habits arent rewarded.

Properly frustrating and a little heartbreaking to be honest.

Weird how the brain works. Dreamt last night that I pasted a load of students at a 10km cross country. As you do. Ah, literally I can dream.

Don’t be like I am with Blair. My stance is that as long as I disagree with him, I must be in the right. I admit it’s a stupid stance. Can’t help it though :wink:

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In my case it doesn’t help being surrounded by some phenomally fit people all be it in quite a stealthy way.

In my “team” I’ve got a guy that runs ultra marathons, another that a 100mile bike ride is a normal day off affair, ex pro mountain biker, another who did the Barcelona iron man a few months ago, TA soldier who would love to go special forces, and to top it all a lad who is roughly 20 years my junior who started running 2-3 months ago. He now runs 80km a week and his marathon pace is 3.5 hours and a slow run is 9min per mile. He ran a casual 25km last night. Thats before we get to the lads that play football or just do fitness stuff.

Play in goal :slight_smile:

Waterboy more my level.

The killer for me is that the full pitch game I’m in now has 2 established keepers so I get to play out. Probably a good thing as I actually have to run about. I was always a keeper as I’m crap at football and tall. Wasn’t bad in my day. Long time ago though. T20 tomorrow night, woohoo :slight_smile:

The speed difference is the tough one for me. When did I get so damn slow?!? I played centre back for a lower end Men’s Competitive team in my club to cover for short numbers, and for most of my life I have been used to being able to match pace with everyone except the legitimate flyers. Playing with players half my age, the ‘flyers’ were just about everyone.

Welcome to the club. I started working with my current employer 2 years ago. Its been a slow and rude awakening to being severly limited in strength, pace and endurance on top of general low levels of fitness. I’ve got considerably better but still eons behind others here.

I have a good excuse but that really doesnt sit well with me at all. I hate it for what its done on top of getting older.

once you pass 40, senior mens isn’t fun playing against twenty-somethings.

I spent YEARS in my early 20’s trying to put on mass, I just couldn’t do it. now I’m near 50 and I’ve traded 10lb of fat for muscle since NYE. still want to get back down to 85-90kg (was at 95) but at this point I feel much better and that was really my goal. the wobble is firming but still there.

There’s certainly something “solid” about 50yo muscle and mass that the youngsters don’t have. I’m no great footballer but I can certainly bounce the younger ones off.

Nothing quite like playing with a 28-year old complaining about the ‘fast kids’…dude, you are half my age, you are one of the fast kids.

I was 42 when I blew up my Achilles trying to keep up with those “fast kids”. moved to over-40’s until Covid wrecked the league. 2/3 of the league’s teams moved from FVSL to VMSL (fraser valley vs Metro Vancouver) and with the shortage of teams remaining, they lowered the age to Over35.

Our entire team was late 40’s and early 50’s, we hung around a few years but at the end of the season we’re looking at a completely different league now.

Our league is still bouncing back, but in a lot better shape than that. We have OT50 and OT35, these days I am playing OT50. That game in Men’s Competitive was a one-off for a shorthanded side, no way my hamstrings would hold up. Could not even begin to play anywhere except centre back, and the amount of sprinting I was needing to do to cover even average speed players was alarming.

The problem with the OT50 is the reverse, it is the last stop on the line, so you get older guys still trying to play. Had an opponent playing on his 80th birthday last season. Normally I am a very physical player, but when he got the ball I would just close him down and jockey…I don’t want to be the dickhead who ends a seven decade career in the game…


Until the day he nutmegs you

not sure the last time you’ve played footy with an 80yo…

He must have been a heck of a player 50 years ago - great first touch, even now. I am a carthorse by comparison.

[quote=“Semmy, post:1593, topic:359, full:true”]

not sure the last time you’ve played footy with an 80yo…

never say never.

What position does he play?

Also out of curiosity, who does the tactics etc for these sort of games?