Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

He was playing in midfield, winger would sort of overstate it.

Tactically, just about every one is playing a 4-4-2. The average age is much closer to 50, so the tactics don’t look that different from younger, just slower. Which is funny, because Canadian soccer is generally heavily influenced by the traditional British style, lots of pressing to win the ball back. What makes the league fun is we have ethnic clubs that will play very different styles, more like their original homelands, so you get surprisingly interesting games…sort of a geriatric World Cup at its best.

The older players are generally treated with a good deal of deference though, so those games usually have a very different feel. Some games can be quite feisty (had one last summer finish 9 v 9), others are low key. I prefer the former at this stage, but either way the post-game beer is good.


beers, pal. Beers… plural

Nations Cup is an annual tradition here and a very hotly contested tournament

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Many moons ago the company (huge contractor) worked for used to have company wide 5 a side tournament.

It was the most viscous, brutal, bad tempered series of games I’ve ever played. Completely nuts especially when you consider that you coukd have ended up working with them at some point. It was as if everyone had their psycho switch flipped.

check this out… EA Sports in Burnaby has their own league. pitch covers the parkade, is 3/4 size of a reg pitch they do 6-a-side.

First outside run for domevtime this morning. Yeah, it’s different to a treadmill and I honestly felt awkward.

Anyway 4.8km in under 28.5 minutes. So a sub 30 minute 5km looks within reach.

I’ve been a little more reserved with training and diet over tte last 3 months or so. I’ve been struggling with electrolyte levels and I suspect a combination of exercise and low calorie diet tipped things in the wrong direction. More work to resolve that but feeling pretty good at the moment.

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New job Im averaging 40 flights of stairs a day.
Lost 2 kg in the process


Haven’t been well the last week.

Checked weight , lost 2 kg.

Will probably gain it back in a day after I recover.

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It very doable.

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Yeah i think i could manage 200m in 90 seconds.

Big question is whether i could extend that to 10k. Not sure about that tbh.

Very doable if you run often enough.

I couldnt do it right now, but a sub hour 10k would be very achievable within 3 months if I got my head into it.

Only 3 years ago (aged 58) I managed to break 50 minutes.
Almost killed me though :face_with_head_bandage:


I’ve certainly benefited from slow treadmill running over winter but for me, I also find that if I dont go crazy on volume I do better. I could certainly do 10k like that but i dont think the time would be anything to write home about.

I’ll have another go this week and see where I’m at.

I find a fast paced 5k treadmill walk, 7.5 km/hr is just as beneficial as a 5k run at 11 or 12 km/hr.

Maybe someone with a better knowledge on all things fitness can confirm if this theory is accurate?

Shouldn’t be more beneficial.

There will be benefits to walking 5km in the treadmill at your speed. But running 5k at 11kmph should be consuming more calories.

But walking 5k at 7.5 km/hr means youre exercising for 12 minutes longer

Dont know how accurate the treadmills are, but both the run and walk show calorie burn of around 280.

I know you continue to burn afterwards until the heart rate returns to resting levels too.

It’s math. More calories burned means more gains. Time rarely factors into that.

It’s maths :crazy_face:

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The treadmill calorie count won’t be accurate.

You burn more than twice the number of calories by running than you do by walking.

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Even if you walk for twice as long?

a 5km walk would take you around 40 min ?

whereas the same run would be around 28 min.