Masculinity - What Makes a Man?

In our house it’s the laundry.

In my case I think it’s because it means going outside :no_mouth:

Only men can go outside?

Existential questions being asked here.

The Flintstones reference aside , it’s probably a hanger-on from yester years tradition where women aren’t supposed to step out of house.

But try telling the feminists that they’ve got to take out the trash too.

Seems to be weather related rather than sexuality

For reasons I dont understand and certainly never encouraged, from as far back as I can remember Apollo has loved going with me to take out the bins. He takes his role in it very seriously and acts so proud of himself when we get back inside. Mrs Limie finds it adorable and so routinely does the chore so she can get that treatment from him.

Reason 405,765 why dogs are the best :joy:


I don’t mind putting the bins out or bringing them back in…but laundry…I would rather do it myself…(the last time mester wilkored08 filled the washer…he thought it would be a good idea to put some ‘fairy liquid’ in the soap tray…oh my days…what a mess…and hanging laundry on the line…why do people peg items out on the line 1 peg each side, so the middle of the t shirt, jumper etc…hang down and pull the item out of shape…and why people put small item next to a big item and vice versa…start small and peg out items so the large items are attheend of the line…or am I being a perfectionist…

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This is Mr Wilkored’s way of avoiding work/chores. Make yourself look so inept that the other half automatically does these chores.

It’s worked all this while very well for me.

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You mean method in his madness…yeh…thought so…oh and he takes washing in from the lines…and leaves it scrunched up on a chair…geez…just put it on the clothes drier…straighten up…and u don’t have to iron it…aaaarrrgghhh.

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shape…and why people put small item next to a big item and vice versa…start small and peg out items so the large items are attheend of the line…or am I being a perfectionist…

Can you be a perfectionist and advise me how to hang the washing on an rotary umbrella clothes line - as in, I have no clue, as there are no ends on it…!
Thanks in advance :0)




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Take a helicopter view…

Well someone has an idea…that looks a bit full…but at least it’s neat n tidy…:blush::blush::blush:


Yeah, bet you would struggle to hang your ‘Big Apple Catchers’ on there eh W8 :wink:

1 peg and cross out the ‘big’…


Fabulous content Wilko!

I think we’re finally getting close to solving this masculinity conundrum.

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We females can live in hope…:pray::pray::pray:


In Singapore at least, only men should be compulsorily conscripted to the army. The women argued they should not be because “we go through worse, we give birth to babies!”

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Fair play.

Are there laws concerning taking out the trash and doing the laundry?

Yes the females made those laws constitutional in their own minds. The law says " men are lazy pigs who do not help in any of the housework because when they do, they do such a bad job that we will say, you might as well not do it and so they stop and become lazy pigs."

I stopped trying.

You should just stop doing it and see how they get pissed off and plays victim to their friends and family of how useless the men are because they cannot do the laundry well

Taking out the trash is ok. It’s easy and feels better when it’s done.

I don’t care about not doing the laundry, but I managed it just fine for thirty years, so it’s a bit absurd.