Match Thread | Liverpool vs Brighton | Sunday March 31st 14:00h

I think he played the advantage well.

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Daddy long legs Q in full stretch there, terrific defending.

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FFS, Mo😬

I don’t know if he’s bent, but he’s definitely shite.

Should have been game over now…
It’s now been quite a few ridiculous counters that we have not scored from…


Salah on the right foot wasn’t likely to score. Should have passed back.

having PTSD of any recent games??

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This is a very Salah performance.

I do.

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I had almost ripped my Bobby shirt off

He was right to play it but the advantage was gone after 1 touch.

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why not pass mo, WHY

Pass to who.

We just don’t seem to be able to kill games.

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Hope this works…


If he had called the play back after the first touch , it would have been harsh.

Can of worms opened



We should sign Baleba.


Did you not see defender in between them.