Michael Edwards

So, FSG are a bit tired of sending money in bags for Diaz’s and Nunez’s of this world, but want a little “Girona” somewhere else where we can gather young talents, that are limited for Liverpool to purchase directly. Similar to how City acquired Savio for the coming summer, for a pretty fair price that if it wasn’t a City group club probably wouldn’t have been the case.


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From my professional experience , I’d say this is definitely true. It’s rather difficult for a lot of people to let go and delegate.

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I wouldn’t mind FSG purchasing a club like Villareal.

Wasn’t FSG looking at a club in Brazil last summer?

Be gutted to lose any of them. Maybe Robbo’s legs are starting to go. Salah still has a few great years in him. And we’d struggle without Virg and Ali


As much as I love Robbo, I would be worried for him out of that list!

I’d be shocked if Edwards and Hughes (not sure who is in control of that tbh) declines giving contracts to the rest because of them past the 30 mark. Doubt we see a 4 year contract to any of them though!!

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Ferran Soriano, the mind behind the City Group model, has argued the main benefit of a multi club organization is the opportunity it creates for executive development rather than a way to acquire players. I think it’s a pretty strong argument


So basically Edwards would be to FSG what Mintzlaff is to Red Bull. Their main football guy.

The other interesting part of this is it really changes the dynamic of the transfer committee. Previously it was a triumvirate of Edwards, Klopp and Gordon. Edwards bringing the findings of the data guys and making a recommendation, Klopp bringing the eye test, and Gordon essentially keeping the discussion bounded within the financial constraints that exists and rubber stamping the decisions. So again the question I have is how Edwards will adapt to his role in that new triumvirate. Superficially, the more knowledgeable people you have the better the decision, but in practice it doesnt work like that. If Edwards carries over any of his perspective from his previous role it adds another opinion into the mix. That can make it harder to come to a decision. It can lend itself to being forced into compromises that satisfy no one. If the new guy starts thinking his bread is buttered by agreeing with Edwards can it create a 2-1 against the new manager?

Obviously you trust everyone involved to do their job well, and on balance (while acknowledging we really know nothing about this area of how to run a football club) Edwards coming back seems like a coup, but there are definitely some obstacles to overcome in making it work.



He replaces Mike Gordon, but with a much larger remit. Which means the triumvirate is reset to be he, Edwards, the SD and his team, and coach.

Everyone has their role defined.

Unless they hire a stupid manager like Brendan Rogers who thinks too much of himself, the roles are well defined…

This one is easy. Edwards has to be King Theoden. Klopp is Gandalf. Gordon obviously Eowyn. Ludonautics is Wormtongue/Saruman.

Unfortunately, Klopp has to ride offscreen and check on some unexplained wizarding stuff, but it’s of dire importance.

Her accent drives me up the wall.

I thought I loved every accent but I can’t listen to her for longer than a few seconds.

Love everything about her…Respectfully of course…

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Will be hard to get someone of Klopp’s standard who is also happy to work under the (relative) financial constraints.

It really felt that Klopp was just tolerating this, it actually aligns with his values to run the club sensibly, and without nation state ownership

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Always had a feeling she’s a him.


The FSG letter in full can be accessed here


I don’t know that that is necessarily the issue. Most of the top managers in football today understand the role of the DOF and the existence of financial constraints; some more strict than others.

Unless again you get a Rogers who thinks himself above his station and being egged on by some pundits…

Michael Edwards:

“As such, one of the biggest factors in my decision is the commitment to acquire and oversee an additional club, growing this area of their organization. I believe that to remain competitive, investment and expansion of the current football portfolio is necessary”

Exciting times, and it may imply that FSG will be sticking around for a long time yet.


Wrong kind of club, dude…

They sent Harvey and Robbo on a scouting mission in the summer.


I obviously know meanwhile a lot about Michael Edwards but may I kindly ask you to give me some more information about the other guy, the new SD from Bournemouth, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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