Michael Edwards

Which one :thinking:?


Who is that sitting next to Edwards?

He looks old :flushed:

Yeah get retired Edwards jeez not sure why you even thought of coming back, bet you haven’t even updated your laptop.

No he doesn’t,:face_with_monocle:, you need to go to specsavers​:smiley:


Ifti is unimaginably ancient.

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He just needs a new haircut :wink:



what the hell did jurgen do to these folks who coming back now that he is leaving

Ghost Hunters Ghosts GIF by travelchannel

Without the main guy.


They found a replacement lead singer. Hopefully it’s kind of Dio replacing Ozzy rather than a Blaze Bailey replacing Bruce Dickinson

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I know people who prefer Van Hagar to the real deal. Of course they’re all idiots because every version of Van Halen was shit.


The first albums with Roth were good.

Is all this pointing towards Klopp being the reason behind Edwards and Ward leaving?

Too much say on transfers and the nerds not feeling appreciated? Wonder how long after Klopp has gone before the stories about Klopp signings and committee signings start coming out.

How many of them are returning to their previous roles, as opposed to joining a new setup with new ambitions?

Wouldn’t make for a salacious story about previous infighting though?

The athletic did an extensively reported story about 3 years ago about growing tensions within the club over decision making authority across broad sections of the football operations well outside of just signings. There is definitely one reading of that reporting where people feel aggrieved and relationships break down, but it doesn’t need to mean that. It is totally normal in business that things go in a different direction that you are advocating and you feel it best to leave if you are no longer having the influence you are working to impart. There doesn’t have to be any animosity involved in these situations and they can and often do occur with the respective parties still having great respect for each other.

The fact these people are coming back now does seem to validate the reporting that they originally left because they felt they were losing influence in the decision making against a growing stature of Klopp who had his own ideas. It may in time lead to additional questions about whether Klopp contributed to some of the “bad luck” we had, but if the next few years dont go well it may be seen to further validate him and his desire to wrestle greater control away from the laptop boys.


opinions are like assholes…everyone has one, but the loudest are the most offensive.