Michael Edwards

I find it highly offensive that people are implying Klopp has been a problem for the club rather than the best thing to happen to it in decades…

Until 2 minutes after full time of our last game of the season whereby I will change my opinion to Klopp being a complete non-factor in our success, re-write the history of the club to show he was actually an evil dictator ruthlessly and violently ousting all who dared to question him and that we are set for a decade of peaceful victories with the leadership of Edwards and his Slot.

(as I write this I realise that Mark Ogden is working on this article right now.)


Exactly, well said.

Jurgen has been brilliant for us. The tiniest bit of luck here and there and his trophy haul would have tripled. But even so, we won the lot with him, and went toe-to-toe with Man City for a few years, which is remarkable given the systematic cheating.

Jurgen is a brilliant football man, and an even better human being. All good reds love him, and it has been a perfect fit.

Is Jurgen perfect? Of course not.

But I’ll be damned if I’m going to ferret around looking for evidence, much less write about it.

The man is a legend, and he goes out with his head held high, and with our deepest gratitude and respect. Anything beyond that, looking for dirt, doesn’t need to be said.


Don’t think there have been problems between Klopp/Edwards/Ward and even if I don’t really want to know and I don’t think we’ll ever find out.

I am sure it drives the media crazy not being able to find out - similar to the Buvac situation. Part of the Liverpool Way if you ask me.

Interested in those kind of stuff? Watch some telenovela or TMZ.


If that’s aimed in my general direction then it’s not really what I was getting at.

More just people moving on because they felt perhaps they weren’t getting from the job what they once did and that’s likely because of Klopp’s increased influence. Be that a good, bad or indifferent outcome for the club, we’ll never know.

We also don’t know if we might have gotten a couple more years with Klopp at the helm had that support network remained in place.

No dig at Jürgen though. In 50 years he’ll still be talked about for what he’s done, Edwards and co will be nothing more than a footnote in his legacy.


It wasn’t aimed at anyone

I find it abit strange though, as soon as Jürgen announced his resignation, Edwards is returning to the club and now so is Julian Ward.

It wasn’t “as soon as” though, was it? It was after some negotiations with Edwards making it quite clear he wasn’t interested in being the DOF here, according to all the “rumours”.

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in the end it doesnt really matter

lets just for a second assume the worst, assume Jurgen is a tyrant, holding Edwards back… do we really want to find that out?..especially right now?

I suppose it doesn’t really matter now, i just found it strange really.

Any possibility the purse strings may have been loosened?
Whatever it was,I don’t care,Klopp was great for us, no Klopp who knows where we might have been now.

Jurgen was a brilliant manager who was amazing for us.

Over time he squeezed out the space for likes of Edwards/Ward to work.

Both those things can be true, and there doesn’t have to been a massive bust up.


Mascot is a fully paid up member of ‘team edwards’…

Known as Tedwards…
Leaning on Jedwards naming…

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