Mikey’s Millions 2024

Given all the speculation at the moment, I propose a new annual TAN Transfer Season game, to be named after our transfer guru.


Pick up to ten players and what you think Mikey will negotiate for them.

If Mikey sells more than ten players, anyone with all ten of theirs wins. Otherwise, it’s the highest total of correct players.

If Mikey sells fewer than ten players, anyone with all of these players sold wins. Again, the highest total wins if nobody has them all sold.

For example: if Mikey sells nine, whoever gets all those nine or the highest number of those nine wins.

Tie-breaker: if more than one player has the right number of correct players on their list, then whoever comes closest to the total sale value of the players involved wins.

There is a caveat on the tie-breaker: if you bust, you lose. So let’s say Mikey’s total sales are £65 million. If you are in a tie break and your correct players are over £65m on your valuations, then you lose.

Free transfers and released players do not count; only those for which we receive a stated (ie not a “nominal”) fee will count.

All transfer values will be as declared on Transfermarkt to avoid confusion; the transfer window opens on 9th June so all entries must be in by 23:59 on Tuesday 8th June.

The winner wins the prestigious Michael Edwards Trophy (warning: actual trophy may not exist) and gets to rub everyone else’s faces in it for a year with their transfer guru status.


Gini on a free! :grin:

Adrian and Larouci too.


I assume loans don’t count. How do loan to buy deals factor into the winning equation?

Just trying to clarify rules so the offices of TAN aren’t ransacked by an angry mob claiming the results were secretly fixed and determined in a back room deal influenced by bribes from hedge fund billionaires. I know how much an imaginary trophy means around here.

Origi 12m
Shaquiri 5m
Wilson 14m
Keita - 10m
Kelleher 2m
Grujic - 15m
Minamino - 10m
Ojo - 4m
Phillips - 12m
Awoniyi - 4m


Yeah; sales only. All sales to be completed by the end of the transfer window, 31st August 2021.

Free transfers and released players do not count, as Mikey has done fuck all there.


… or fucked up …


Reading up, I’d forgotten Karius was still under contract as well as Gujic.

I’ll complain the final tally was unfair, but will have almost certainly forgotten my picks well before August.


Guys, guys, no need to panic; deadline is two weeks away. BTW, I guess add-ons don’t count either?

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Depends on how the value is given on LFC History. If they give a base figure + add-ons, I’ll go by the base figure. If they just give a total fee, then it’ll be that.

It’s the first attempt at this, so there are bound to be a few teething problems :wink:


Edits are allowed up until 23:59 on 8th June. Any edits after that will result in disqualification.

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A change: I’ve noticed that LFC History don’t always put sale values when players leave, so have changed our reference point to Transfermarkt.

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Player Sale Price
Grabara £1m
Karius £1
Grujic £12m
Woodburn £1m
Shaqiri £12m
Wilson £15m
Ojo £7m
Awoniyi £8m
Origi £14m
Minamino £10m
TOTAL £80,000,001

Ojo 10m? Be lucky to get half that.

Well then you’re more likely to win the contest than I am. :slightly_smiling_face:


No chance. :joy:

My ten.

Arroyo - £500k
Karius - £3.2m
Lewis - £500k
Grujic - £8.5m
Wilson - £11m
Shaqiri - £15.2m
Woodburn - £2m
Ojo - £4m
Origi - £12.8m
Awoniyi £6m



Grabara £1m
Davies - £4m
Minamino £12m


Possible - Firmino £34m

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I’m having this.

Origi - 12m
Minamino - £15m
Karius - Free
Wilson - 12m
Grujic - 9m
Shaqiri - £6m
Keita - £20m
Woodburn - £1m
Grabara - £2m
Ojo - £5m
Awoniyi - £3m

Total of £85m. Come on Mikey. Get on with it.

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We have 2 Karius’? :wink:

If you buy two you get another one free.


Origi - £14m
Karius - £2m
Wilson - £12m
Keita - £34m
Woodburn - £2m
Ojo - £8m
Awoniyi - £5m
Grabara £2m
Left field Matip £20m
Davies - £1.5m

@cynicaloldgit done, cheers.

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