Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21

Can’t argue with that from a healthcare perspective to be fair :+1:

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How is this different to Salah’s situation?

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Unless PL restrictions are not relevant on international duty, I suspect not much different, other than a requirement for the English FA to step up and do similar to Salah. Would be interesting to see if they do chase it…and whether they then go for a whole host of others (Abraham, Foden, Chilwell, Greenwood to name a few.

Suspect it’ll be trending on twitter later with calls from all other clubs fans to see Salah banned. Wouldn’t surprise me if the FA step and and go for it - Salah’s an easy target after all.

Will be the same folk crying null and void…

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I don’t think it would have anything to do with the FA…I would imagine it is more a case of complying with Premier League protocols but not sure if they are recommendations. Does the Premier League have jurisdiction over individual players in breaches like this?


The Egyptian FA should definitely go extra heavy on Mo and not be bothered about how big a star he is,if i was them i’d ban him from ever playing for Egypt again,unforgivable.


I often forget that the FA and PL are different entities. Do they both have separate covid protocols?

In the Rangers players case, its the SFA not SPL thats banned them.

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There would be riots on the streets if the Egyptian FA were to permanently ban Mo. The peoples King.


Again it would depend if the club was asked about the wedding.

The Scottish ban seems to come about due to not following the country’s protocols.


Yes. Participants (Players, Managers, Staff etc) are bound by the PL rules. With regard to covid protocols some of the rules are obligations and some are guidance only. One of the obligations is that players adhere to government guidelines from time to time at all times when they are away from the training ground (there are specific protocols in place at the training ground). This applies regardless of whether players are away on international duty.

A breach of those rules is capable of being sanctioned by the PL. This can be a fine or in more serious cases a suspension as well. In theory a disciplinary commission has unlimited powers in terms of fines and suspensions.

It would certainly be open to the PL to take disciplinary action against players who have breached the specific protocols and/or government guidelines. There aren’t any precedents yet so I have no idea how likely they are to do so nor what sort of sanction they’d think appropriate. My guess is that where the breach impacted only players from one club the PL might not take any action given that the breach itself (and the need to then isolate) almost acts as its own punishment. However, where a club’s player endangers players from another club I would expect the PL to take specific action.

With Mo, who knows if the PL will sanction him? We’ve got nothing to go on to help us predict how the PL will deal with these issues. It does, however, have the ability to do so.


Would Mo be treated differently than the four you named? Not like they are England internationals who don’t play for Liverpool!!

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It looks like we found him he is flying back to Liverpool on a private jet on friday


He’s clearly not happy about the decision by Mo to attend the wedding, citing his own decision in the summer not to attend a party in Germany over the summer as there were 50 attendees, that wasn’t worth the risk. But accepted that there’s social pressures in other places, and a brothers wedding being very special.

I expect Mo to hold his hands up and apologise (to the club, Jurgen and team mates, not publically), get his head down, and play even better than he’s been playing.



Yep, it’s clear he’s really disappointed with Mo (confirmation that the club didn’t give him permission).


In the past you’d see players fined and publicly bollocked.

These days, I think just knowing that Jürgen is disappointed in you is about the most crushing punishment you could receive.

Imagine Klopp looking at you and knowing you’d let him down. I think it would be the end of me.


If MO is unavailable for selection for this forthcoming Leicester game (at the very least). Whether he directly contracted the Covid at the wedding reception or not… Unequivocally, he has let every LFC supporter down, for the fact he put himself at risk of doing so, by not taking every face covering precaution necessary. But hey ho… the guy also has a life to live outside of the sporting ‘goldfish’ bowl… So it is a tough call to condemn him outright…! Just hurry back MO… the team needs ya.!


Sad thing is I think he needs a break, I have a feeling he may have been another one on the list if he hadn’t got Covid.


Looked pretty fresh (in the current context) to me so far this season. Wouldn’t agree that he was so outstanding as people were saying, but certain improvement was clear to everyone and Klopp used new words to praise him (speaking about performance, defending, etc.). Less complicating, back to playing more simply because that’s the best way for him to be a top player.

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