Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21

Yeah we can’t know where he got it from or if he’d have returned Covid free from the international break if he’d missed the wedding. As such it’s hard to determine levels of accountability. I’m sure he’d admit that the wedding event did not go how it should have and he’d have wished he could have kept to the guidelines but in his position I’m sorry I’m going to my brothers wedding too and accepting any punishments as a result of my actions.


Mo has provided a 2nd positive test apparently. This is confirmed by the Egyptian FA. So he’s stuck in Egypt, for the foreseeable future then.


Well surely he would be anyhow, I don’t think it resets after a first positive test, obvious he would be away until after Atalanta.


Totally disagree. He absolutely should be fined by both Egypt and Liverpool. The fine isn’t for catching covid it’s for breaching club and country guidelines. He ought to be fined for the breach, otherwise what message does it send?


Why do we have to fined him,has he gone missing


Breach of club guidelines.

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Might be an unpopular opinion, we all love Mo and Mo has come across as a great footballer and person, but on this, he needs to hold his hands up and admit that he has made a mistake here. The problem here is not where he caught the virus. The problem here is in the midst of a pandemic where more than 1.3million people has died and counting, Mo, being a respected public role model for many in Egypt and around the world, will not have any moral authority to tell anyone to stay at home, to keep their distance and help to keep the virus away, when he himself did that. Yes, it is his brother’s wedding but around the world, we had people who had to miss funerals, watch cremations through video conferencing, but everyone, as much as it hurts them, had to do it because of what is going on.

I am not sure whether the club is going to publicly comment on this but the club cannot show any support for such behaviour or else what right does the club have to issue statements to ask people to stay home and not to celebrate in the streets? What is there to stop me to gather 100 friends and family to celebrate our title win? Today, if this was Sterling doing that, we would be condemning him left and right on here but as I said in the beginning, Mo is a great person, but we cannot absolve him from this in any way, or else we will be trivalising the 1.3mil who had died from this pandemic.


I think he is just playing a pun :laughing:


Is it 10 days from the last positive test or 10 days from the original test?

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Much as I am loathe to criticise one of my favourite ever Liverpool players I 100% agree with this post. We are all being denied the things we love, and as @gasband says we would pillory Pogba or Sterling or Kane if they carried on in this manner. This is ill timed, ill considered and is inexcusable.
Anyone can get the virus. But in a position of responsibility people need awareness and caution.


Not a good one. You are right, it might have been his brother’s wedding but that doesn’t excuse him breaking the rules and endangering himself and others.

Who the hell gets married in the midst of pandemic with hundreds of guests anyway? Some common sense wouldn’t go amiss.


I blame Degsy.

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These Corona-breaks help the players in the sense that they provide a bit of rest in the midst of this crazy, crazy succession of games.

So, I’m not too fussed about it. These two weeks rest will prove to be beneficial for Mo in the longer term. He’ll come back all guns blazing, against defences starting to be exhausted from all these games. He’s going to absolutely destroy them! :star_struck: :+1:t2:


I cannot blame Mo for going to his brother’s wedding if we could we would do the same if a very close sibling was getting married during this pandemic. However Mo has to take his punishment/fine, which ge should get imo.

His brother should shoulder a lot of the blame for getting married and having a huge function that would put others at risk.


Yep… definitely a selfish act by the brother to have such a lavish ceremony in the present climate…
Surely a small get together would have sufficed… followed by a humungous party at some future date would have been the common sense approach…
Not too dissimilar to approach we have had to take / postpone our winning the league celebrations


Maybe he attended his brothers wedding with the permission of the club. We are just assuming he went renegade, licked all the wedding attendees etc etc.

Maybe all the attendee’s for the wedding were tested and had self isolated pre-wedding to ensure that Mo could attend, and maybe Mo just caught it at the airport or a hotel or somewhere.

As for a “selfish act” - nah not in my book.


TBH this would have been true had our most of the remaining team wouldn’t be suffering from injuries. Considering the non covid injuries/ layoffs currently, I would rather prefer our remaining team to be available as needed.

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It would be nice if the players caught covid just before the international break rather than just after,it’s just inconsiderate if you ask me.


I think that is very unlikely given that would constitute a breach of the Premier League protocols opening the club up to disciplinary action.


Is in mine. I work in healthcare and cannot contemplate going to too many crowded places as I can compromise myself or others health wise.
Mo was wrong. Simple as.