Mohamed SALAH: 2021/22

Fair point. Though thought that was just for a few months last year. Kinda faded away? Suarez got that too but was the least of his concerns!

Or doesnā€™t pass to his team mates


I am 35


That is my succession of my heroā€™s.

Gerrard is top of the pile, loved Fowler and Owen, Torres was immense, Suarez a different animal all together and Salah will leave this club having eclipsed Suarez - if he hasnā€™t already.

Mo is unbelievable. Tops Suarez for me already. VVD is a rolls Royce so he has to be on the list.

I caught the tail end of Barnes so wasnā€™t impressed, no doubt a legend but his better days were behind him when I came on the scene

Fowler is god, even if he doesnā€™t make the all time XI.

Loved Torres for those couple of seasons and he could have been a legend if he hadnā€™t slunked off to Chelski


Good article on Salah, his goal and the contract situation. Itā€™s being reported today in more than one place that he wants something in the region of Ā£300K - Ā£380K. Similar to De Bruyne.

The extraordinary talent of Mohamed Salah and how to quantify it | Mohamed Salah | The Guardian

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Itā€™s a bit rich that articleā€¦ Salah was one important piece of a very large puzzle for Edwards and Klopp, which Iā€™d argue Alisson, then Van Dijk were the players which moved us up to the title winning level. So to say this is the Salah era is just not right.

Feels like his budget Raiola agent is currently re-writing a lot of history via the media.

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Yes, he maybe overstates his influence slightly , though tbf we got to a CL final with Salah before VVD and Ali came along.

On another note itā€™s crazy how much the English media fawn over Grealish, and that heā€™s paid more than Mo! Heā€™s only 3 years younger and not in the same class. Never will be

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It just seems very strange that Mo is basically ignored in the media for 5 yearsā€¦ Contract renewals begin on a contract which is pushing the very foundation of our wage structure, so clearly going to be a long process and the media now are all fawning over him??

I donā€™t buy it, he was the same player 2 years ago pretty much.

My point is that it was the whole spine which when assembled took us to the next level, we are seeing now that even if we score 2-3 goals without our defense/midfield being at the same level we donā€™t win.

And yes English (and Utd) players are overly fawned over /puke.

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Does anyone else on here think that Mo would beat that Manc fan Usain Bolt in a 100m raceā€¦?
One thing is certain though,
UB, as much as he thinks he can play football to a good standard, couldnā€™t score a goal like MO did on Sunday if he lived to be a 100yrs old.!

Ā£300k to Ā£380k?

Pay it. Thatā€™s not outlandish in the current market.

Factor it so that you can show him thatā€™s what he would earn based on the average of his performances over the last 3 years, if those levels were to be maintained.

If he wants Ā£380k as a base amountā€¦thatā€™s just over twice what anyone else is on so, no. But if his performances over the last three years would earn him that amount were they to continue, do it.


Thatā€™s where I am. Itā€™s what the ā€œmarketā€ dictates for a player of his level, just pay it. Itā€™s the current economy of football. If Liverpool cannot or are unwilling to pay it, some club will.

Someone posted last week the list of top earning footballers in the world with Moā€™s salary portion listed at Ā£18.5M. That roughly breaks down to Ā£355k wages per week. Whatā€™s unclear is if that is base + bonuses or just base.

Itā€™s not base, I can tell you that much. Not sure how that figure was calculated.

Was curious of that myself. I looked in the article (that was posted) but did not see a source for their information.

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Seems to be a proper charm offensive on showā€¦


Smells like a new contract announcement around the corner.

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Show this to Mo a few more times over the next few months might help Mo wanna stay and might help Edwards open those purse strings a touch more.

Edwards is off soon.

Just fucking blow the lot on Mo FFS

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Interesting thread, I didnā€™t know that


There will have to be some insensitive.

Some insensitive what? :thinking: