Mohamed SALAH: 2021/22

We know that, but their logic doesn’t work that way.

I think he’s already playing at the 17/18 level, if not even better.

I don’t think PSG will be in for him, even when Mbappe leaves. I mean, let’s look at it tactically. They don’t play the same position or in the same channel.

Would PSG really play Salah down the middle with Neymar and Messi around him? Possibly, but for me, I don’t see it happening.

Messi and Salah are not of the same type (Salah is more “Ronaldo” than “Messi”), but since Messi got there, I still think it signalled more or less the end for Salah going to PSG.

Real… will probably look to offload Hazard somehow somewhere next summer and free that inside left role for Mbappe to link up with Benzema. They have a lot of forward options. Not a real clear starter on the right. Vinicius also prefers to play on the left. You can never rule out Real, but will they have the money and will to do it, who knows.

I give Real a little bit more chances than PSG, but ultimately I see all parties coming to an agreement in coming weeks/months.

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Mo can’t be that good because “he hasn’t won the World Cup“

Have they brought that one out yet


PSG could play Salah in goal and he’s still score 20 a season in France

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Alison wants a word.

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God mode…


This is the best I’ve seen Salah play. No wonder his team want to talk contract.


Yeah he’s off the scale.

Before this season he’d usually need around 5 chances before scoring, now everytime he’s in the box he hits the target as a minimum.

As good a season as Suarez 13/14 so far when everything hit touched was gold. And that was the best individual performance over a season I’ve seen.


I would have thought most of these negotiations would have been done via video or phone and they would only start face to face meetings when things are pretty much done and dusted and they are just needing to sign the contract, or am I looking at things too simplistically?

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Abbas was at the event Salah was presenting at last night. So doubt he came in specifically for talks about a contract.

This is going to be an incredibly unpopular opinion but I hope the club doesn’t succumb to fan and media pressure and break the wage structure for Salah.

My reasoning is: almost every one of our starting XI is amongst the best in world for his position. If Salah’s wages become almost double the next person’s the entire team would have legitimate reasons to ask to be bumped up significantly. Now it’s all well and good for the average punter to say ‘pay him whatever he wants’ but this is exactly how you end up like Barcelona, months away from bankruptcy or worse like Leeds.


Yeah, the calls for Just pay whatever it takes misses out many aspects and is not as straight forward as it looks. We should definitely try our best to keep hold of him, but it shouldn’t cross the line to affect our long term stability and plans.


There is no “wage structure” at Liverpool, not in the sense that there was at Arsenal that saw them screwed.

Our contracts are heavily weighted to reward performance so if an individual earns a lot more than his team mates then it will largely because of how much he positively influences the team’s results.

It also helps that a lot of the other influential players have only recently agreed new contracts. The only other players who might be in a position to use whatever Salah gets as part of their own contract negotiations are Mane, Firmino, Keita, and maybe AOC…

If Salah gets +50% more than either of them…could they really have any complaints going on their respective current performances?


This would be true if there was a moratorium on discussing contracts in the middle of an existing contract. Which there isn’t.

Mane, Keita AOC absolutely have no leg to stand on. But what if Virgil hears that Salahs got a massive wage bump and he thinks “hang on, I’ve been as instrumental in Liverpools success (which the evidence bears out) as Salah, I wasnt aware when I signed the last contract that this kind of a wage was possible.” Allisson would be in the same boat. Arguably Trent as well.

Errmmm…tough shit. Virgil dragged his heels on accepting a new deal and now he’s got one that makes him the best paid defender in the league into his mid 30s even though he’s not shown he’s fully recovered from a severe knee injury.


Also, we didn’t fall off the cliff when VVD got injured like many seem to want to claim. We were even top of the league 2 months after his injury.

It was only when Matip, Fab and Hendo got injured that we fell away

I don’t think it’s a given that the club agrees a new contract with Salah. I’m sure the temptation might be to cash in now and use the money to rebuild. Then again Salah might decide to sit his last year out and leave on a free. That could be pretty disastrous for us.

On balance though I think FSG will do it. Their credibility is at stake. We are not poor. We are one of the richest clubs in the world. Our wage bill is not that high as a percentage of our overall turnover. Comparisons with Leeds and Barcelona are way off.

I also don’t buy the argument that the other lads are going to be queuing up wanting a pay rise. You only have to see the reactions from his team mates to the goals he scored against City and Watford to know they believe they are witnessing greatness and great players at the club mean more trophies and more bonuses for them.


Considering he’s got 18 months left on his current deal, I am pretty sure it won’t get to that stage