Moises Caicedo (DM/CM/RB) Brighton and Hove Albion

What did I tell you.

If all this is true then it does show a reason to keep good terms with a club.

Can’t think Brighton like Chelsea at all after what they have been like with them this past year. They’ve probably openly welcomed a bid from someone else.


On the flip side, consider So’ton’s obstinance in dealing with us, as they’ve been pissed at us for years.


Exactly that’s why i felt they would stick firm to 50m.

Saying that it’s not ripping the entire infrastructure out of a club along with most of its coaching staff and analysts which I’m wondering what they’ve achieved with.

Because most of their signings are people would buy on FM.

I do feel for Lavia, here. If we land Caicedo and Lavia goes to Chelsea, that is a much worse situation for him.


wake up u sleepy heads… shit is going down!!!


I really do get you and apologize again for what felt even to me like a cheap shot. But it is a stark illustration of the challenge the people at the club face.

Fuck sake, Jorg. Pull your finger out and spend some fucking money. No, not like that. Not on him.

I am happy we’ve achieved the success we’ve had by being smarter than everyone else and leaning into the club’s natural advantages. Fuck, even the coming up short I’ll accept for the sake of the experience. But we cannot be so beholden to a time that has gone where we can expect to find gems like Clem and Keegan at clubs like Scunthorpe. Those days are gone.

But to bring it back to the thread, this is why part of me wants us to get Lavia instead. He is the less obvious option. The one that it takes people who know what they are doing to identify and prioritize, rather than being a club who sits back and buys the most obvious (expensive) targets. But that’s the absurdity…the smart option, the gem that real pros uncovered, is still 50m


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There is not a single person left at Southampton who were there when the Virgil thing went down.

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Wasn’t the last time we held the British transfer record when we bought Stan Collymore :joy:

8.5m same price we paid for the legend that is Andy Robertson.

I’m torn on the Lavia thing but I do feel that Bajectic would be helped by this more perhaps. Also shouldn’t take a lot of time for him and say Macallister to get going.


So if we get him FSG are gonna be swaggering around Anfield this season.

Bet John is having the sweats :rofl:

Except their fanbase. And just because the leadership has turned over doesn’t mean that there still isn’t a general dismay over dealing with Liverpool that permeates within the culture of the club.

I understand your point, though.

And yet they sold us Virgil, but several years later, once the entire club’s personnel have been turned over, the animosity so strong enough that they’re being purposefully obstinate with us?

Southampton dont need to be positioned as petulant children acting on emotion to want to make the best deal for themselves with a very highly rated young player

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I get what you are saying and agree in some ways, but let’s take Sweeting’s listings for example of young players etc.

First off, wow the work he must put into it all deserves a metaphorical hat tip, now if sweeting on his own can manage to find so much detail on players that people like me won’t hear of from the ages of 16+ until they may make a break through with some club at say the age of 21 etc…

I would presume we have people employed to do what sweeting is basically doing for nothing , other than as a personal hobby?

On TIA , I use to read the posts by sweeting and I think it was illok use to watch academy players and say who was good etc and we had someone who I’m sure just use to list players from football manager ( thought he was on this forum , but apparently they are not dagger :joy:)…

I know a lot of our youngsters may not make it here , but imo it’s an area we need to be looking at more in the future rather than paying millions upon millions over the top in years to come, when we could have had them signed at an earlier stage …it’ll be a lot cheaper in the long run surely ?

Chelsea: hmm why is no one else bidding for Moises? Is he really that good?

Liverpool keeps bidding for Lavia despite rejection

Chelsea: Liverpool is persistent on Lavia, he must be good! Let’s shift to Lavia and blow Liverpool out of the race with our financial recklessness. Let’s go 48mil! Boom!

Liverpool makes fast move and bid 90m. Moises says ok and confirmed by Sunday…

Chelsea: wtf …

Soton: hey Chelsea…sorry it’s 50m

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Well, if this deal does get done, still a big if, it will bring a nice bit of bite to the midfield, and the energy levels the midfield will have this season will be a complete 180 of what we experienced last year. What a prematch statement it would be, fingers crossed.

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Wtf did I missed. Are we been bought by the arabs or something?

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