Moises Caicedo (DM/CM/RB) Brighton and Hove Albion

God, I hate this shit. Why would two English teams deal in Euros?

Yes, your readers use Euros but we don’t.

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Maybe he’s writing for his readers?

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Caicedo to be leaning on Charlie Adams 10 million dollar corners and Alberto Aquilani’s fragile body tomorrow. You heard it here first!

It’s not about a finite amount of money being available in the transfer kitty. It’s about what we need and how much it takes to fill that need.

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Talk about pre game gamesmanship. Some utter bullshit coming from these so called experts.

In what sense.

If he’s here for 10 years, £100m isn’t a terrible investment.

Also, if you think about it as £135 million for the heart of Brighton’s midfield, that ain’t bad either.

If we shelled out £70 million for Mac Allister and £65 million for Caicedo, people would be praising the club for good transfer business.


136m for Mac and Caicedo is good deals IMO.


We play them first up. Outbid us in the press. Build up the tension to the game. I bet the commentators even mention the so called rivalry that took place during the week. Smoke and mirrors.

Fuck me , reading the amounts of money being discussed here and people saying it’s good value I thought I was reading bluemoon or something.

Liverpool FC as a club, as an ideology that started with shanks foundations, which in one of those Klopp videos talking about his beliefs being aligned with the club etc is dead.

Sad day when we start trying to justify paying man city money for players.

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I hate the tendency on here to hold one person to the collective comments of other people, and so I acknowledge I am doing that to you and apologize in advance, but cannot pass it up.

But this is classic. We have had weeks of Grume over not sticking our hands in our pockets and supporting the manager with social media falling over itself to demand FSG to sell up and leave our club, only to then clutch our pearls at forgetting our socialist working class roots for spending too much.


Do we have LFC voucher? No.

Yeah, because we have become a sick society obsessed with status, fixation at fake glamour and now it’s all about how much we sign a player for as if it means we are still a big club able to compete with oil nation states, we pay £100 million now for a player then next year we’ll be demanding we pay £150 million for next year’s superstar , and if fsg don’t pay it, twats will be demanding they leave because they are tight.

Seriously at what point do people get a fucking grip and accept enough is enough?

We need to know, how much we have , how much we are offering a week, every detail of contract clauses and give second rate journalists some sort of kudos for knowing fuck all…

I would be content in all honesty if fsg could buy youngsters or players from lower divisions and develop them into the superstars and legends of the club like shanks and paisley did in years gone by,

I know the excuses will come …the world has moved on blah blah…that’s only because we have allowed the game & society to run away to this extent.

Imagine if klopp had to buy an Ian Rush ( and yes I know it was a lot of money for the day) and was able to replicate what shanks and Paisley did on a regular basis with youngsters and lower division players ( again I understand klopp is trying to do this with the youngsters and it does look promising) .

But the whole issue of paying £150 million for 2 players…surely that money could be reduced and allocated to finding the best talents for a hell of a reduced price?


Use to like the transfer rumours because it use to be ridiculous ( still is ) …all the itk’s etc going on, but honestly people have a go at each other for their opinions ( human nature I know) then turn on the owners etc…

I mean I do enjoy when we have a player I have never heard of before or rarely give two flying fucks for as they don’t play for us, but people who genuinely do follow other leagues or have knowledge of a player …that part I do find interesting as they give their opinions as a Liverpool fan, so I take their word for it as I would like to think that they have the same desire for this club etc…and I appreciate the passion that we all show.

Just can’t accept this fixation that it’s all about how much we spend on one player that seems to matter to some.


I don’t really mind if the club sanction it and frankly I’d rather the whole thing disappear once the games start as it’s a circus.

Up to the club what they pay, not one player is worth the money they go for.

Can’t see the club sanctioning another move which should be ok with a ready to step in DM.

Thiago May leave as will Phillips but it would be good to eithier get this guy in or Lavia and get on with the actual job.


More than 106 million ? Damn

Some sequels are better than the original movie.

Unfortunately it’s not the case for ‘Next Friday’ and ‘Friday after next’ but there are examples.