Most disliked pundit

On 2.50 the presenter leans over to Henry to sort of give him a reassuring pat. Shades of when Henry himself did the same to Carra when Brendan was sacked. This time it cut away before we see Henry’s reaction. I’m sure he’d be more appreciative than Carra was though?

What’s going on with Richards’ suit? :thinking::nerd_face:

I can’t stand Liam Gallagher, but he dropped a nickname onto JC + GN today that made me chuckle… He called them Bert and Ernie :0)
AKA The Muppets

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That Jake Humphrey is making a good case for being included very high up the list.

I thought the main presenters were at least meant to try and maintain an air of inpartiality, yet last night he’s cheering on Rangers taking the lead and was bleating about how the country has been enjoying watching Liverpool struggle.

Fuck you.


Ally Ex-Rangers okay that`s fine.

Rio,camel mouthed racist drug cheat showing his lack of bias as a BT paid pundit can fuck himself.


Jake Humphries is a massive bellend to the point I prefer Jenas.

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Let’s hope this is the last we see of him on TV telling us how to play the game

This guy is so full of shit

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That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time, sterling career he’s had then?


Clinton Morrison and his fake exaggerated accent.
WTF is it with that non regional accent?
It’s used on voiceovers on almost every sports trailer on Sky too

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It’s to appeal to the “urban” and “yoof” demographics, innit!

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Do the young watch punditry, we have been told they only watch 25 second clips.*

Punditry I do feel and build up to games seems for a much older audience, only crossover I assume is Chris Kamara who does the amusing stuff.

*don’t really buy that take mind.

Had a youngster at work called me fucking bro last month.

Fuck off

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When they do that, I just call them “son”. Shuts them up.


Graeme Souness has been a less frequent presence on Sky Sports’ Premier League coverage in recent months and this season is likely to be his last working with the UK broadcaster. #lfc [the athletic]
A shame this.


Shame indeed. One of the better ones. :nerd_face:


Irrelevant cunt will eat his words.

Won shit during his career. Should not be talking about any of our players let alone Klopp.


Talksport and the Daily Mail.

Some elite journalism there. :joy: