New European Super League

Better than not being on the guest list?

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Mel Reddy saying a lot of the players don’t want this and were not consulted.

I don’t think it happens as teams like PSG, Bayern and Dortmund have said no.
You cant have a Super League without Bayern or any top team from the leagues involved.
As I said the fact that teams like Arsenal and Spurs have been invited tells you its about money and not having an elite league. Its just the 6 richest clubs in UK not the best based on last 10 years.

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Look at Bayern’s and Dortmund’s decision. I have tremendous respect for that.

Shouldn’t the FIFA, UEFA and association guys resigned? In their own words they have failed to stop some monstrosity even after years in office? The fact that, instead of taking responsibility they are just bitching around shows how shit the leadership has been.

What have they done in past decades? Is football in a better state under their guardianship? They have been arrogant, obnoxious, corrupt, inept, selfish, and cowards. They are being kicked out of their palace. It’s a thing of natural selection; the bigger, badder beast is taking charge.

Is it wrong that I can’t stop giggling uncontrollably.


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Are you Simon Jordan??

He just made this exact point.


Will there be a Super League Cup?


To be honest, I can’t imagine how it will work in the future to continue playing in the respective leagues when you then have much, much, much more money than everyone else.

And the gap would widen from year to year. But tbf, Uefa have only themselves to blame by completely blowing the FFP rules out of the window.

The cheating oil clubs +Real are in cl finals, and no one of these Uefa/Fifa people seems to have a problem about that either. Now, all of sudden everyone of them is getting outraged?

I woke up this morning and it wasn’t a dream.I’m still struggling to believe it tbh.


I’ve noticed this “oh your siding with” the likes of myself and hope are not siding with Neville, we just see the damage it does, 5 clubs is not an open tournament and if what Dan Roan says is true that’s obvious.

This tournament will not have the likes of Ajax and Porto, probably not even Rome or any of the other semi big European clubs, it will probably not have any German team.

It’s a closed competition if a couple more PL clubs are invited thats even less elsewhere. I don’t get where you think 5 clubs is an open competition that’s far more open than what is being proposed elsewhere.

You can think both are a joke.


Totally agree. There is a big danger that playing the big clubs will become routine and the mystique will disappear. I, for one, enjoy our side having to play tricky away games in the remote depths of Europe against sides you rarely hear of. That is part of the magic of European nights.


This idea comes from people who don’t understand sport. The joy of sport is the unexpected, the giant killing, the victory against all odds. Controlling everything so that only certain teams can take part or that only a select few have a chance to win is, ultimately, boring. It’s like football in a dictatorship where only the leader’s favourite team is allowed to win. Of course money is involved, and of course it’s important, but it shouldn’t be everything. I’m saddened that we are associated with this development as our tradition is something else, but it’s the way the world is going and there’s not much a few football fans can do about it. I won’t follow it, I’d prefer to watch grassroots football locally, and before you call me names, I’ve supported Liverpool for over 50 years through thick and thin.
It’s hard to see Jürgen Klopp staying under these circumstances, which is a bloody tragedy for our club.


I have been thinking, for quite a while actually, about the football pyramid in the UK.

Not sure it’s perfect, but to a fella coming from a huge country with a tiny population that could never support such a framework, I think it is a precious thing, and that includes the FA Cup in all its sometimes giant-killing glory.

Opting out of the league that sits atop that pyramid would be heartbreaking, imo.


If you want to see how it will work then take a look at Baseball, you have a few shit seasons work your farm system trade in top talented youth and return for a few seasons and then drop off again.

If you think VAR will disappear then you’ll be left upset, we will see more innovation, half time interviews, in fact you’ll get them chatting to Klopp midway through or Hendo on the pitch.

My concerns will be who was actually consulted.

Didn’t the Yanks ask for qtrs when they hosted the WC??

Here they come!!!

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Simple solution is relegate all 6 clubs to the bottom of the football pyramid and promote 6 clubs from each division and crown Leicester champions again.

Welcome back to the football league Hartlepool, Sutton, Torquay, Stockport, Wrexham & Halifax.

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Short term aims: Liverpool fans need to get organised (as I say, under Spirit of Shankly banner or similar) and unite with fans of rival clubs with similar aims to say ‘not in our name’. We are Liverpool Football Club, not the profiteers. We need to encourage players and coaches to speak out, maybe even with strike action - hopefully it never comes to it, but I can’t imagine Klopp is at all happy about this situation or the lack of consultation. The likes of Carragher and Neville have already been eloquent on this and I’m sure they can be brought on side with a proper campaign.

Long term aims: We need to force a serious discussion about fan ownership - starting with learning from what’s being done in Germany - and redistribution of wealth across all levels of the game.


Old Firm have probably been in touch with the PL already

Is the announcement of the ESL anything more than a negotiating ploy by the clubs?

The fact that it was announced immediately prior to UEFA confirms its changes to the format of the CL surely cannot be a coincidence.

Clearly the ESL clubs are unhappy either with the revised format of the CL or the proposed distribution of TV moneys.

I expect a period of negotiations followed by the clubs backing down in return for getting more say/control in the CL/PL and a bigger slice of the revenue cake.


I definitely agree that the most problematic part of the suggested league is the lack of open competition. I most certainly don’t want this to happen, and I hope that this is only a negotiation tactic used by the clubs.

But my hatred towards UEFA and FIFA is at that point that I can’t just side with them on this. Their corruption has driven football to an all time low, and I definitely enjoy seeing them suffer. Plus Gnev is a fucking useless prick who only thinks about his own interest with everything he says live.


Anyone just slightly uncomfortable with so many stakeholders in the game just all coming out to lambast this before any of them have even considered the details of it? It’s very unfortunate how extreme the negative reaction has been as that’s very difficult to walk back from. Why aren’t these groups/organisations being more circumspect? Why aren’t they waiting to see the detail before commenting?

For different reasons I think we know why.


Football is eating itself, but it has been for a while, this is just the dessert arriving. It has a feeling of inevitability.

There wasn’t always a national league, there wasn’t always a European competition and there wasn’t always a premier league. Times change.

It would be the end of Liverpool being a ‘local club’, but tbh there isn’t much left of that idea anyway. Owned by a US based corporation, supported by fans all over the world. That is what clubs like this are now, it is a different kind of romance. However, it will be important for the Liverpool ’ brand’ to keep close ties to a local fanbase and the city, so expect an effort to be made on FSG’s part there.

Many of us on this forum do not live in Liverpool, and probably live a lot closer to other clubs that would benefit from our attention and money, but we chose to support the big romantic idea of Liverpool because of family ties or a childhood certainty. So, I am, and maybe some of you are as well, partly to blame.

I’m not happy about it, but I will still support Liverpool if it happens.

Also, fuck the FA, UEFA and FIFA, they don’t own this game.