New European Super League

The 2 biggest clubs in british football have seen a small number of fans set up their own clubs.Commendable as it is these new clubs will never hit the heights of the clubs they look to replace.
SOS have been successful in voicing fans disapproval a number of times over the years yet the club have still felt free enough to be part of this parasitic venture.That doesn’t sound to me that they shouted load enough for the club to really hear them,let alone fear them.

Not if you hinder any competition at all, as this new super league does. It’s no competition anymore, just a union of rich clubs, and that’s the main problem I have with this. Merit doesn’t come into it anymore, at all.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

For all this nonsense, still some good bantz happening!!!


lots of money?

That kinda misses the point. Those are just small expressions of discontent from those who went the whole hog - there are millions more fans (including myself) who feel the same but have stuck with our clubs.

I don’t entirely disagree on your second point. We need to be making a lot more noise. I’m hoping the outrage at this latest venture could be the spark for lasting change. But it’ll take a lot of work and a hell of a fight. Despair from the outset won’t help anyone.


Lol yeah, some really good ones…


Same here. I think it’s a negotiating tactic which may have backfired on the ESL with the non-participation of the French and German clubs. They needed to have all five of the big five leagues involved to be able to get UEFA to do their bidding.

Given the outcry against it, I can see the ESL clubs backing down in return for some limited form of guaranteed participation in the CL, such as the top twenty, or even ten, in the UEFA co-efficient table automatically qualifying.

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People are siding with the desire to see competition, not a sanitized risk free league.

A league with no risk of relegation and guaranteed money is no different from US leagues. Liverpool will be a franchise, and will slowly turn into a league of 15 or 20 (they’ll try and pick up Porto, maybe a Russian team, etc to fill in numbers), and that’s who we’ll play every year, with no consequences if we do poorly. FSG will still get paid. That’s where this is headed. A closed league with a playoff format to decide the champion. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

The EPL will still exist without the ‘super clubs’, and I’ll probably pick someone else to watch on a week to week basis to be honest. This is horrible.

I can understand the draw for the owners, guaranteed revenue, more control, no fear of relegation or ‘missing out’ if you finish 5th. But it’s a death sentence for open competition of the league, and will end up vaulting us to a closed European league with no consequences. That’s where I see this going. And they probably will get more money. It’s disgusting and sad.


First few minutes of the TAW podcast on it. Nicely balanced…

Kiss goodbye to winning anything then as Mo and co are not taking pay cuts.

I don’t despair BTW as I don’t see this as necessarily a bad thing. Just seems to me that objecting to it without question is the accepted status quo whereas there might be benefits. If (IF) it goes ahead, I want us driving it.

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Well of course we are there on merit. Otherwise we wouldn’t be there at all.

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Can anyone confirm whether the club are in actual possession of the main Premier League trophy? I expect the PL might be wanting that back, which could get interesting. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Like Spurs or the Arse?

No one’s asking them to take pay cuts. We’re already one of the richest clubs in the world. It’s quite depressing to watch you internalise the billionaires’ twisted logic, though. I’m glad most Liverpool fans are responding to this rubbish in the right spirit.


Oh? I must have missed the Super League qualifying rounds.


Shooting fish in a barrel isn’t anything to be proud of

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Depends how hard you want to fight a losing battle. This isn’t the result of a quick zoom meeting, it’s the product of years of planning. I still don’t see what we as a club lose from being part of a competition which will be better than the current CL. As others have said, our soul was sold when the cowboys walked in, this is just a continuation of our business development.

In this super league I assume all clubs will have unlimited spending power so City and Chelsea can top up their bids with extra money, meanwhile John W Henry will be happy with a quarter final place each year as he is with top 4.

Considering his spend within our means philsophy, I doubt someone who is looking to make money will pumping us with lots to be competitive in a league in which there is no risk.

It wouldn’t surprise me if AC Milan and one or two of the other clubs don’t invest at all and stick to budgets pre ESL.

Then if Klopp goes whatever mercenary they appoint as manager will be a sound piece for the board. The club in this last few years felt like a club that was building a dynasty now were just some billionaires ticket to power.

Woohoo we’ve won the European Super League woohoo who frankly gives a fuck, it feels like that world club cup, it felt nice for an hour.

Fuck the league, fuck JWH and fuck the rest of the football authorities.