New European Super League

Looking forward to that Bayern v. PSG UCL final every year.


You won’t find me defending the existing model or defending Murdoch. It’s the system that’s broken and it’s the system that’s allowing this to happen. That’s why it needs radical reform, otherwise greedy parasites will keep leeching off our game.


Ah, the days of the “squarials”, yep, something like that.

Well, sorry, what’s your point then?

Yes, I would rather temporarily accept a drop in calibre of players than sell our souls to this cooked up billionaires’ plaything. This has to end.


Makes me think Man City should drop out of the ESL. They might stand a chance of winning the Champions League then.


That reform will never, ever happen though.

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Manure (Glazers are vice chairman as well) Agnelli Juventus with Perez (are the chairman)
The BBC app are flashing every headline about this only Photos of either the Anfield gate, a liverpool player or the Anfield badge the other 5 are spared any of this as if we are the front runners of this new scheme.


Not directed at you but where has the outrage been to condemn and change the corruption that is already in place prior to today.Why has it got to this before the screaming for change is to be heard,if it is to be heard.


Just wait, it will soon be labeled:


Why? How does any change happen in society? Why such despair and cynicism? Ordinary people built this game and we should be fighting tooth and nail to win it back.

The fans are overwhelmingly against this move. As are supporters unions, both main political parties, ex-professionals, coaches, players too by the sounds of it, even fucking Stephen Fry lol. The public appetite for change is there. What needs to happen now is a concerted campaign to fight it, to push for independent regulation as called for by Neville and others, and it needs to be tied to long term demands around ticket prices, grassroots investment and ultimately fan ownership/stakeholdership.


Because we are the biggest, we have the proper history, we have the fans… We don’t actually need this to pay off our debts like RM/Barca…

I read elsewhere if we hadn’t been involved this wouldn’t have got off the ground.

Pretty grim to think that really.


Not only that, but we’re gonna win the cunt.


Where has it been? It’s been there for years. Have you not been following Spirit of Shankly? Or the actions of AFC Liverpool and FC United of Manchester? And the very wide political debate on this very issue in the last general election?

I don’t mean that in an accusational way, but it’s not like these are new discussions. This is just the latest scheme by parasitic venture capitalists who couldn’t give a flying fuck about football or its followers.


Can’t wait to win a competition we’ve not even qualified for on merit.


With all due understanding for the outrage at UEFA, I think it’s absolutely not ok to punish the players and threaten them with a ban. I mean, what did the players do that would justify this extreme step? They are absolutely not involved in this decision and only employees, who have to fulfill their contracts. I just don’t think that would be legitimate at all.


I doubt a radicle reform is even possible. It will be a choice between two evils - either the ESL or going back to the UEFA/ FIFA structure which isn’t fair either.

Football has been moving into this pseudo-sport for a long time now. The rich clubs have been successful and becoming richer. Clubs have been spending like crazy with no checks, but no one dared protest against them. City got away scot-free after bending every possible rule, but nothing happened. The anger and protests should have been there a long time back. Sadly, this too soon will be forgotten.

Also wondering how long will the likes of Bayern etc. not get involved in it? Surely their players would want transfers if this becomes a success? The transfer window itself and other aspects would become so complicated and weird now.

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Yeah, same in Guardian. Where are the faces of Perez, Agnelli, Monsoor etc.

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Im actually interested on what is holding this together?

They have to have something in place that prevents a breakaway club from leaving. In other words, Tot Hot get cold feet and pull out, the 12 are now 11, etc. So there must be something in place to make sure there is solidarity in the ranks.

Too ugly maybe?

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Yes they didn’t lose a penny from the Covid period but clubs had to continue paying wages without the revenue from crowds in stadia

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