New European Super League

no that was a sky and BT thing flobs… its all greed flobs. after already having subscribed to sky and bt for ridiculous amounts i might add, then being asked to pony up additional mullah during a crises… then now having gary and caraggher giving their “we will fight them on the beaches” speech is laughable at best

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There is nothing about hanging on to the ghosts of the past.

I am talking about the present.what exactly do you feel is wrong with the PL and UCL that the Super League will change and be different?

(Plenty wrong with both but what do you feel will be different about the Super League)

I’m not naive enough to think that an football club is run with any other intent outside of making a profit. This has been coming for at least 30 years, probably longer. Because professional sports are run for nothing ore than viewer entertainment, then the ultimate goal is always going to be maximizing that.

think of it this way - your average casual fan doesn’t necessarily care who’s playing, they just want to watch the biggest teams play each other as often as possible. Your more invested grassroots fans will watch their team week in week out, but that’s not where the money is. the money is in the global brand and widespread appeal. Football - and all sports - will eventually trend towards this. the US caught onto this concept very early on, but the rest of the world will invariably catch up. You can love it or hate it, but it’s not going to change.


Are the ESL using Cheaty’s lawyers?


Oh! I thought it was an agreement between clubs and the broadcasters (the clubs recieving some of that cash). As it didn’t affect me I didn’t follow it very deeply.
Of course it’s greed.

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I dunno I’d say Higgins is a bigger cunt not to mention Mark “I don’t like them” Allen

It’s not going to solve any problems. It will very likely only create more problems. That’s not the point. The point is that it was inevitable that this was going to happen, and I’m glad we’re not on the outside looking in. That might sound defeatist or whatever, but I don’t care. Life is shit, and those with the most money have all of the power. Nothing is going to change that.

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Klopp has spoken on it.

Doesn’t sound impressed

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Yes , but once we weren’t. It was only through winning the UEFA cup and subsequent European cups that we established our pedigree. Before that we were just an average club. Now we’re denying the same opportunity that we benefited from to clubs like Leicester, West Ham, etc. It stinks.

Btw French clubs staying out of this is normal if you know anything about French football. Many on here don’t seem to have a clue!

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scrapped or not, its the same principle though isnt it. you cant now be screaming about how immoral the esl is to bring this during a pandemic when u attempted to rob people a few months ago. no one is innocent here except the fans. uefa, fa, fifa , sky etc are all complicit…

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Guinean Football Federation would be the most pissed off. No more Naby lad for them.

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Unfortunately sometimes in life you have to go with the lesser of the 2 evils.

And let’s face it… sometimes company’s make REALLY shit decisions. The key thing is identifying it as a shit decision and preforming a U turn.

Has he played for us yet?

Oh Higgins is the worst type of cunt, a cheating one… thought he’d gone earlier, looks like he turned it around.

I’d probably say the fans are complicit because for too long we’ve allowed these cunts to completely mug us off.


The amount of current backlash towards the breakaway league is impressive, and very comforting. Even the politicians packed out their whip, and have condemned this in the sharpest words. I don’t think it will happen with that amount of backlash.

Funny thing is that fsg are always sooooooooo bloody careful with their PR, and now, they have well and truly sullied their bed by going with this ridiculous idea. They will take years to clean their public image, and if I’m honest, I’ll not shed one tear for them. They deserve it 100%.

The more annoying thing is that, along with their own reputation, they have dragged the club’s name through the mud, and that is really infuriating.


One step forward 5 steps back for these bloody lot

You need to buy it from the club store, which in turn will fund the ESL, thanks for your support in this matter :grinning:

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Yup it’s the point I made City were nothing before they got taken over, Chelsea were bouncing between occasional challengers and relegation, Spurs well a couple of league cups and Klinnsmann is about the total sum before Ponchettino took them to the CL Final.

Arsenal didn’t have much going for them between Chapman and Graham but have been around for a number of years.

Leeds, Newcastle and Blackburn have all come and gone in the PL era, Leicester are the latest and seem to be building something give the norm 10 years and they probably will have been the latest team to increase the top 6 to 7 but the point is the top aren’t really the top 6, Arsenal have been crap for a couple of years and Spurs jump about even us have only had 3 decent spells in the 30 PL years, a couple under Houllier, a couple under Rafa, the one season under Brendan and now a more prolonged spell under Klopp.

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