New European Super League

this is the opposite of what you are saying though.

this is closing the shop door.

theres nothing stopping these twelve clubs then making a pact to push down players wages ‘in the interest of the game’, which sounds detremental to the product, but with a mixture of brilliant marketing, sympathetic press articles and snazzy highlight reels, the product wont suffer.

theres also nothing stopping these twelves clubs having a pact that no player with the letter ‘q’ in his name plays at the top table (think latterally there)

finally, theres nothing stopping John Henrys grandson getting a football contract with LFC becuase, you know, we can not be relegated so whats the big deal anyways…bet you we see celebrity footballers careers being dragged out…i mean, Beckham, who is still very marketable, would probably still be getting a run.

I love Ian Wright.


Not sure, but Guardiola snorts it.


Yes, but others haven’t earned it. Arsenal are a shambles and Spurs have earned nothing in 50 years. Yet we’re enabling them and preventing others from earning their chance


When you say “earn it” in the last 30 years we’ve won 1 league title.

Becareful point fingers at others lack of success because on the list of title wins we are right at the bottom just above spurs, below arsenal and probably level with Atletico Madrid.

Granted we’ve won 2 champions leagues but everybody will tell you in the face of adversity in both those campaigns it was the fans who got the team through.

The same fans are being shit on right now


How exactly? I’ve been asking that

The vast majority don’t want it.

But we are being forced into it

It’s our club - and we have not been consulted

It’s bollocks

Fair enough, I’ve no problem with that being an irritant. How else?

You might not have a problem with it but the majority of us do.

The European super league will result in super PPV deals, Super ticket prices and travel for supporters to away games in what will become our regular season will be a joke.

All that additional money will be spent on transfer fees and player wages.

Sponsor will want tickets for finals etc the same as now so it fixes nothing.

The club has sold its soul and it’s the supporters left to pick up the pieces.

We were not consulted and have shit over every single club that has been left out.

If we had been left out then we’d be going fucking bananas right now.


Not to mention that some of us actually care about fair competition, meritocracy, the fans of other teams etc


Can you name any actual positives about it without mentioning:
1- we don’t want to be left out.
2- FIFA/UEFA/PL are greedy/corrupt too, so fuck it let’s join them


I’m not the one hysterically moaning about it. I’ve asked the question quite a while back, what exactly is the problem? I’m quite open to listening to a reasoned argument as to what the opposing point of view is and possibly being swayed by it but at the moment the only ones being fucked are Uefa, the team will still be in the PL, the domestic ‘pyramid’ will still be as is so I see very little that is fucking me over as a fan for 30 years.

So please, and I am asking in good faith, tell me what exactly is the hysteria is all about and how are you as fan being fucked over, how the Club tradition is being walked over and how football is being spat on?


If ever there was a phrase that showed the difference between “legacy fans” and the “fans of the future” that the super league is targeted at then this is it.

What the fuck does it even mean? Who cares right, it’s all for the bants and rubbing other fans noses in it. Never mind that that league produced the players who are the current world champions and have a depth in quality players that’s the envy of world football. But nah, because they haven’t commercialised themselves as well as the premier league they aren’t worthy of being in our sphere.

Fucking pathetic, divisive and juvenile crap.


With direction of all of the media Super League talk, you would think that the 12 teams breaking away were all Liverpool. I know that the idea of a Super League is not very palatable, but at every turn, no matter what, Liverpool bears the brunt of it.


It’s a midweek league in place of the CL with no more games than your average long stint in the current CL and likely less than the current Uefa proposal. Sooooo?

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It will replace the premier league. They will not let us compete in both.