Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

Saw the home kit and the away kit in the flesh for the first time today.

Underwhelmed to be honest.

I think maybe the elite version looks good, the stadium version I don’t think I’ll bother with

How did the elite away kit look?!

Honestly the horizontal striped training shirt the layers are all wearing in Austria is the only thing Nike has done for us that I actually like.

If the blackout is real, I’m like that too

That one above isn’t a black out.

It’s just a black football top.

The stadium version didn’t look that elite at all.

Slightly off topic but I was in Swansea yesterday and they have a lovely away kit. Black, Joma. Lovely

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I just received my home elite jersey. The jersey is very nice looking and the quality is fantastic.

My only issue with the elite jersey, this is probably a personnel issue is that I am short. Being only 5’ 4", the jersey is quite long on me. Unfortunately, it looks too weird on my body and I will only wear this inside the house. Nike products in general that I have come across, the men’s attire seems to always be like this.

The elite NB men’s S fit perfect on me, I wish Nike did as well =(

I ordered the boys XL stadium jersey last year and it fit perfect. Looks like I will go back to ordering the stadium jersey…I just love the quality of the elite versions better…fml!

NB in general have a nice fit. Nike on the other hand… :roll_eyes:

I was going to get the away, but the stadium
Version is just bland and the elite version is like an extra £40 - I’ll prob just not bother.

Nike is going nuts on advertising the logo on the senior staffs’ jackets. You just cannot miss that massive swoosh on the back!

Ye that Nike swoosh is so big it doesn’t even look like a Nike swoosh.

Fucking tacky

Jurgen with bloody fleur de lis’ on his matchday gear and a massive swoosh on it’s back.

Total mismatch.

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In Chester at the moment with the family. Going to take my kids to the Chester LFC store today and see what’s what.

I noticed Jurgen wearing one the other day and thought it looked horrible.

That is quite horrible and an eye-sore…


It is a pity because the front of the jacket is quite nice


I got my stadium away Jersey yesterday. I have to say I like it a lot. The wife also said it’s her favorite one so far…she likes the colors.

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Having seen the stadium version and the elite version side by side here’s my take

The elite version looks and feels
Much much better quality and I love the detailing inter woven into the fabric, however I don’t think it’s built to last, and I can imagine the badges for example peeling off or cracking in the wash. Plus it’s over £100

The stadium version is probably built to last - stitched badges etc but it looks and feel a little boring. I think it costs 60-70£ too.

For me the whole point of wearing a shirt (more so when I was a kid) was that you were wearing what the players wear, but now the stadium version is some sort of cheap (cheap look/feel, not cheap in price) knock off version. My point is if you aren’t wearing what the players are wearing, and why would you pay £100 for something that will only last a few washes by the looks of it, then save yourself the money and maybe buy a polo top instead :man_shrugging:t2:

I can’t tell you the last time I washed 1 one of my jerseys. Maybe that’s Bc I’m not outside sweating in it, getting beer poured on it or rolling around in the grass. If I did wash it, I would treat it like my nicer clothes I wash. Make sure it’s inside out, wash it in cold water on a delicate cycle and hang dry it.

Unfortunately, everything is expensive these days. An authentic hockey jersey is about $250…granted they don’t change styles every year.

Just buy the polo, save money, represent the club still and be happy, Richie :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is it odd that the season has started and they haven’t announced the 3rd kit?