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I’ve spent the last 15 mins absolutely fuming at this news. Grew up in the N.East, and it’s always been very precious to a lot of people up home, including a lot of my friends and family.

I would love to understand why someone would do something so senseless. The words fucked.

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Mate there are assholes who do this shit just because…and for attention. I say the guillotine for this lot. You’ll see this shite stop overnight

Doubt it.

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They executed murderers for centuries and murders didn’t stop.

You just ask yourselves…why oh why oh why…what have they achieved…they have achieved the label of ‘dickweeds’…

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They’ve arrested some 15 year old kid. Assume it was for the bantz. cunt.

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Some type of precedent needs setting here by the courts, otherwise it will become sort of a trend by the gobshites that commit these acts… just to garner views on a profile page of theirs somewhere…

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I don’t think it was that simple.

Looking at the photos of the stump and the tree after being feld, it looks very clean and pricise which makes me think that whoever did it had the tools but also the knowledge and expertise to do it in a very clean manner which you would not expect from a 16yo kid

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make the prick plant 1000 trees to replace that one. and he can pay for the seedlings out of his own pocket.

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it’s called a chainsaw, mate. really not that difficult to operate. knowledge and expertise not required.

and have to water and nuture them for 10 years to ensure they are able to survive on their own


No 16 year old is doing shit like that alone, unless its something related to a specific incident (gf cheated on him and she loved the tree or some shit). More likely to be a group of them…when i was that age we used to do some stupid things but it was always peer pressure or group idiocy.

Whether or not a 16 year old can operate a chainsaw…think thats plausible. They werent looking to drop it between houses or something. Turn it on and put it against the trunk…

history channel doug marcaida GIF by HISTORY UK

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my nephew was running a chainsaw at 14. so was I, with great care but only a Stihl 170. I have a 270 at home, sold my old Pioneer saw, that was a 70cc. had some serious torque, that machine. and ZERO guards.

my first job was at a rental shop at 14, learning how to clean/service equipment. sharpening blades, oil changes and tuning carbs. I just rebuilt the carb on my 270 a few weeks ago, somehow it got gummed up with sawdust.

The way to discourage behaviour like this is to spend thousands of government pounds counselling the perpetrator to gain an understanding of what made him/her do this.

This. Shouldn’t only be one tree there in the first place. They need to rewoodland most of the UK anyway.


Your not an normal Gordie though are you?
Aren’t you from Canada or some such place were walking round with chainsaws is deemed normal. :wink:

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Whilst I agree that a 16yo is unlikely do do something like this on their own, and yes could get the bisic operation of a chainsaw, but looking at the photos, the cleanness of the cut to me says that this is more likely to have been done by someone with experience of operating a chainsaw and cutting trees, although this is just my opnion so take it as you wish.

Personally, I would be looking into this kids family background, does the father, an older brother or cousins work in the tree surgery industry? Is any family member linked to any weird arse movement about preserving nature with a focus on anti tourism views? (this tree was a fairly reputable tourist attraction).

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If he is only 16yrs old… they should drag the parent/s into the saga and try and put a charge against them… If he gets charged with criminal damage - WTF is that - £50 fine and don’t do it again slap on the wrist - mind you, an army of Lord Longford do-gooders no doubt will be on the defence council

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the texas chainsaw massacre horror GIF

@Flobs no joke, my home has a woodburning fireplace, I have a cord of wood chopped and stacked under my deck and our recreational property in the states is in the middle of a forest of spruce and cedar trees. a few times a year when storms blow through, we are having to cut fall trees up which are blocking the roads to get in/out.

That’s where those big Ford 1ton trucks come in handy as we have to tow the trees out of the way. my Santa Fe will pull 1500kg on a trailer, but not drag that weight down a gravel road

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Police are looking for this guy…
Not sure it will take too long to find him… not as though he could blend-in with a crowd eh :0)