NON Breaking News Stories

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WASHINGTON - About 100 planes around the world have been caught up in a scandal that would be cartoonish if it weren’t so terrifying. It saw a dubious company, with fake employees and an address that was a glorified PO box, sell and distribute fake airplane parts that ended up in planes belonging to some of the world’s biggest airlines. On Thursday night, American Airlines became the fourth, and so far final, airline to have found parts from AOG Technics in its aircraft. Southwest kicked off the disclosures from various airlines around the world in early September, when it became the first to announce it had located an unregistered part from AOG Technics, Paolo Confino reports.

Not sure what to say…

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs - BBC News

On a similar note (but different)…

The first pic

What the actual ****. :scream::nerd_face:


If this is true, and it has been felled deliberately…
then it confirms to me, that some people are just sick in the head.

Sycamore Gap: Most famous tree in the north of England is deliberately felled and police are investigating

One of the UK’s most photographed trees has come down overnight after being “deliberately felled,” the Northumberland National Park Authority has said.


The famous tree at Sycamore Gap, next to Hadrian’s Wall, was made famous by actor Kevin Costner when it appeared in his 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves.

Northumbria Police said they were investigating whether a criminal offence had been committed after pictures emerged on Thursday morning of the tree lying on its side by the wall, after apparently having been cut down.

On Thursday morning the national park authority said: “(We) can confirm that sadly, the famous tree at Sycamore Gap has come down over night. We have reason to believe it has been deliberately felled.
“We are working with the relevant agencies and partners with an interest in this iconic North East landmark and will issue more details once they are known.”
The authority is asking the public not to visit the site, near Crag Lough, “whilst we work with our partners to identify what has happened and to make the site safe”.

A spokesperson added: “Sycamore Gap was voted English Tree of the Year in 2016 in the Woodland Trust’s awards and is much-loved by people from across the world.”

The Sycamore Gap tree is probably the most photographed in the country and stands in a dramatic dip in Hadrian’s Wall.

The Northumberland National Park Authority’s website says the Roman Milecastle 39 is just to its left.

Sycamore Gap is looked after by both Northumberland National Park and the National Trust.

The news was met with dismay and outrage by walkers’ groups on social media.

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “We can confirm an investigation has been launched following damage to the Sycamore Gap Tree in Northumberland.

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I’d very much like to fell the limbs of whoever perpetrated this

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I’ve spent the last 15 mins absolutely fuming at this news. Grew up in the N.East, and it’s always been very precious to a lot of people up home, including a lot of my friends and family.

I would love to understand why someone would do something so senseless. The words fucked.

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Mate there are assholes who do this shit just because…and for attention. I say the guillotine for this lot. You’ll see this shite stop overnight

Doubt it.

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They executed murderers for centuries and murders didn’t stop.

You just ask yourselves…why oh why oh why…what have they achieved…they have achieved the label of ‘dickweeds’…

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They’ve arrested some 15 year old kid. Assume it was for the bantz. cunt.

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Some type of precedent needs setting here by the courts, otherwise it will become sort of a trend by the gobshites that commit these acts… just to garner views on a profile page of theirs somewhere…

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I don’t think it was that simple.

Looking at the photos of the stump and the tree after being feld, it looks very clean and pricise which makes me think that whoever did it had the tools but also the knowledge and expertise to do it in a very clean manner which you would not expect from a 16yo kid

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make the prick plant 1000 trees to replace that one. and he can pay for the seedlings out of his own pocket.

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it’s called a chainsaw, mate. really not that difficult to operate. knowledge and expertise not required.

and have to water and nuture them for 10 years to ensure they are able to survive on their own