NON Breaking News Stories

Who knew that underwear could reflect “inclusivity and global equality?” All these years and I have been getting it so wrong in the underpants department.

Jim Royal has undoubtedly the best quote about underwear.

“I paid a quid for these pants and I’ve got fifty pence worth stuck up me ass”


Fuck me some people can be ridiculous.

If a neighbour did that to a tree on my property and would spread bird seed over their driveway at night to encourage the pidgeons to shit on their driveway even more




Still warmer than the atmosphere at Goodison.


I mean, are they going to do a special package tour with an incentives to see the polar bears? As if we are going to pack our thermals and lounge near the icebergs, honestly!


Polar bears in the Antarctic?


That’s what makes it worth visiting. I mean, we’ve all been to the Arctic and seen the Polar Bears there, right? But to see the very rare Antarctic variety would be fantastic. :thinking::wink::nerd_face:


I’m not watching that - you sucked me in with the Dinosaurs (Nous) a few months ago and we are still watching that at least twice a day.

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Sorry :crying_cat_face:
Personally I use any excuse to watch a good cartoon however on repeatedly isn’t the goal.

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100%. The chance to see the rare polar bears of the Antarctic seems too good to miss.

I found with my kids they got fixated on one particular cartoon (Jungle Book) for my eldest - which is fantastic but after a hundred times… The Grandson is still fixated on Nous - absolutely loves it.
I must read up on why toddlers have these almost OCD compulsions to watch a cartoon over and over again. Fortunately they grow out of it pretty rapidly but it is an interesting behaviour.

My son always moved on fairly rapidly. My daughter though had really strange tastes and went years watching some princess cartoon (not repeatedly but she always went back to it). It really wasn’t even a good cartoon imo.

Aww, I still haven’t managed to do that. :blush:

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Just wonder if someone is pulling BBC reporter’s leg there. Oh right, anything that is not US or UK centric will have negative undertone to the reports.

Is it really like this in UK supermarkets these days, or is this just someone making a political point with a set up picture?

Not sure what it is like in other parts of the UK, but London is fine.

If I had to take a guess, this is likely a photo from the first lockdown last year when everyone was panick buying all of the bog roll.

Or from a new supermarket pre-opening


No, it’s not like that at all, it’s fine here in Liverpool. I don’t know what that’s all about, but rubbish like that just fuels panic buying. When were those pictures taken? This year? Last year? 2 years ago?