NON Breaking News Stories

Meanwhile, inside a totalitarian state:

Imagine how it is to be something of a free thinker in such a place. I shudder at the thought.

The device (ClearMate) has previously been approved by FDA for treating Carbon Monoxide poisoning. A potential new usage has been identified.


I’ll tell you what helps a lot. What my lieutenant, the bastard (really hate him even today, the loathing is very deep), did to us the day after our “Discharged-Party”, on our very final day in the armed forces.
He was a sadist, so had promised us a totally lax day, which was needed since many of us had splitting head aches from the night before (cheap home made potato liquor for the win).
Well, what did he do, you my ask ? He ordered us into our cars, one of our drivers wasn’t sober enough so sergeant drove my car. Then we drove some odd kilometers outside Bodø, and with a barking platoon commander at our back, we marched up Steigtind

I was at rock bottom, many of us were, vomiting while we walked upwards, head splitting from head ache from hell.
However, after having marched upwards while drinking water and puking, when I came up on the mountain ridge, after just 1 h and a half, all signs of head aches and everything like that was gone and the final trip to the top was easy.

So yeah, it is possible to “walk it off” with enough physical exertion and sweating. Will recommend to no one to attempt that though.


A big greasy heart clogging English fry up will do the trick.


That’s some fucking awesome place you got, mate.

About time.


Finally, an upside.


I really hope that bastard suffered, during his final days.


That is funny as hell. How many reserve/compulsory services have fallen for that trick in history, and yet it surprises each one.


Yeah, it is a funny story now indeed. Wasn’t very funny at the time, a friend of mine, one whom I still have a lot of contact with, came over and asked in a low and tired voice when we got up and the lieutenant stood staring down the mountain top from that several hundred meters fall. “Do you think anyone would tell, if someone just walked over and leaned towards him by mistake ?”. He didn’t get an answer, only sympathetic looks from some of the others. Not very popular my lieutenant.

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Inflation creeping into the world in strange ways.

In case you’re wondering, the average pigeon lives for six years.


Used to sit with my grandfather quiet as fuck while he sat with his racing pigeons,people have wonderful relationships with animals to get away from the problems in the world (my grandmother),Mike Tyson is a big pigeon fancier.


Amazon getting trolled on twitter. Their Geography knowledge is abit rusty.


I guess those Amazon replies were by bot???

Or by a customer service center in your part of the world, staffed by people with no familiarity with the nuances of the Irish situation, using prepared scripts.

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The ‘^RS’ one seemed to me human response, although the response on Scotland one about passing feedback to appropriate team seemed automated.


Can this year get any worse :cry:

When will the horrors end

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International Mens Day

But what about the Women :angry:
When do they get a day😠
Bloody whining Men.


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Are we allowed to have Men’s Day? And what exactly does it mean?