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I think a few days on the Tiger safari without weapons or a vehicle would be a nice vacation for some of these pedofiles and murderers and so forth. Circle of life, baby.

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Take that twat there who killed the toddler and throw him out the car.

I also hear that the husband was annoyed.

I wonder what our resident Singapore resident @Gasband thinks about that… I’d like to know if he thinks that this is an appropriate punishment.

He’s been quite happy with it before.

Swallowed the government’s line completely. As if weed is such a massive threat to society.

Don’t see why anyone should expect to get away with anything outside of the laws of the country they’ve chosen to live in.
Don’t want to abide by those laws?

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As a complete aside, who chooses to live in a country - in the sense of having a real choice? If u’re born into a country u don’t choose it and subsequently it is hard to simple choose another.

I often thought of this also in the context of poverty… if u’re born into poverty how can u with reasonable choices escape?


Yes I am happy with our tough stances on drugs. And could not be bothered with people who think otherwise because everyone is free to think what they want. Actually our tough stance is so widely known, I am not sure why people still bother trying. I am sure our prison would actually appreciate these traffickers trafficking drugs to wherever they are welcomed. And I am fine to be called swallowing government whatever as far as drugs are concerned just as I am not bothered with the liberal attitude towards drugs that somehow mean they are on a higher ground of humanity. This is probably something that alot of Singaporeans can agree on and long may this stance live on in Singapore.

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Millions of adults choose where to live in the world.
I get the poverty analogy, but if the courts are to be believed, he’s a drug dealer so I’m guessing he’s not exactly broke.

Please don’t misunderstand, I have no interest in the killing (apart from whether it would have happened if he was a citizen of the western world) rather the question of whether one has a choice of where one is born and much of a choice after that.

And just in case, no one gets a criminal record for abusing drugs in Singapore, only trafficking. We don’t punish people who consume drugs for whatever reasons, we send them to rehab. But if you think you can think yeah Singapore has the death penalty, but I gonna try anyway and if I get caught I will just label them inhumane.

I really hope some rich billionaire or societies who would welcome traffickers to run a campaign with slogans like ‘why go to Singapore to die? Traffick here instead!’ we are quite happy to divert these traffic to them.

Singaporean who loves death penalty and authoritarianism in brainwashed shocker!

The death penalty isn’t used often enough, in all parts of the world.

I get the arguments from decades ago, where innocents were found not guilty years too late.
But with DNA and the fact you can barely take a shit without being filmed, those examples are almost impossible these days.

Doesn’t mean anyone’s loving it, just mean evil is being justly punished.
I’m talking evil in general, not that specific drug trafficking crime.

Saying that, drug dealers are fairly evil cunts and the punishment they get when caught is way too light.

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this is pretty simple stuff. it’s Singapore.

this is what happens when you have a society that’s too liberal on drug laws and a shitty justice system which doesn’t suffiently deter criminals from their drug and gang violence


That’s very naïve to assume that miscarriages of justice don’t occur.

In any case, it also goes back to the whole point about how much choice one genuinely has in one’s life.

I’d be willing to bet that it’s a case of 1 in every 10,000 cases

when I say that, I mean that for every 10,000 cases of criminals “getting off too lightly” to 1 case of someone being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit.

You should see the rap sheets of some of the hoodlums running around who have 10-15 convictions in the last 24months for petty crime/theft and they’re back on the street within a few days. They don’t care, for them a stint in a Canadian prison is better than sleeping out in the rain. they get a hot meal and a shower and then they get to go back out and break into your car for the 4th time, smashing your window for a pair of cheap sunglasses and whatever is in your change tray. Or stealing your bike out of your carport, stripping it for parts or just spraypainting it and using it to collect bottles until it gets a flat tire then dumping it in your kids playground, trashed.

Grrrrrrrr… my neighbor is a semi-retired EMT. he says the worst thing that ever happened to the drug crisis was the advent of Narcan. before then, the druggies used to overdose and they’d go to hospital and be forced into treatment. Now, they overdose and their buddy calls 911. EMT arrives, drops a shot of Narcan into them and they’re up walking around an hour later. They refuse hospitalization. a few hours later, they take another shot of heroin and they overdose again. rinse and repeat. He regularly used to visit the same place 2-3x a night. until he’d had enough and retired. Now he wont’ accept work in the DTES anymore. Works small communities with no drug problems only.

2022 Summary - British Columbia
• In 2022, there were 2,272 suspected illicit drug toxicity deaths. This is the second largest
number of suspected deaths ever recorded in a calendar year, behind 2021 (2,306).
• In November and December 2022, there were 182 and 210 suspected illicit drug toxicity
deaths, respectively.
• The number of illicit drug toxicity deaths in November and December 2022 equates to
about 6.4 deaths per day.

So “almost impossible” equals “don’t occur” in your head?

Just from a quick Google.

I think that says a lot more about the society you live in rather than the supposed leniency of the justice system. What does it say about society if it’s easier to get a hot meal and a shower by committing crime than it is to obtain food and stable shelter through honest means? When you cut off the future of people like that, what else do you expect them to turn to?

I’d suggest you understand the research behind addiction and drug abuse. Evidence certainly seems to suggest it’s mainly socioeconomic factors that result in such cases, especially isolation from society.

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I presume you’re happy for it to be yourself or someone you care about to be wrongly executed?