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Obviously not that much or you would have noticed earlier.


My brain kept reading this as Blue Peter badge and it made no sense.

what a fucking cunt.

Lower than a worms tummy.

What a wasted life. Thirty years old, and he has seemingly learned nothing from having squandered all that talent that could have made him wealthy. Didn’t even play in the MLS this year, just took up contract space.

WTF. This gets more troubling the more I think about it.

It could just be changing demographics in UK/USA

Subcontinent children for instance aren’t nearly as tall as the others.

That said, subcontinental kids nowadays are pretty tall. My 10 year old is 5’1 now. Every generation does tend to produce kids who grow taller than their parents in India atleast.

how so? Immigration changes in USA pretty straight forward (mexican immigration). not sure what the current ethnic mix of UK is.

The usual: 5% Toffs, 95% Other.

Not sure this is an immigration issue to be honest.

Immigration is nothing new for the US, and the downturn over the last five years is quite spectacular. As for the UK, has there been more immigration than previously? Germany has taken in one million Syrians a few years ago, which has changed that stat a little bit, but not that spectacularly. And France is a country with at least as much immigration as the UK.

So, I’m with Arminius on this one: it’s weird indeed.

Awesome! No doubt makes his life much happier (although I wonder does he need extra rest with all that weight on the sit bones - professional cyclists often have problems there and they are usually only riding 5-6 hours at a time) and even better will probably help loads more in the future. The benefits of a collaborative workplace really committed to problem solving rather than throwing up hands due to OHS.

Can I posit that it may have something to do with poverty in the US and UK and the numbers of kids going without good nutrition. Both countries are becoming fucking 19 century in so many ways.


Well, for the US, Mexican or Central American immigrants are a smaller percentage than the MAGA crowd would like you to think (legal and otherwise). The pace of immigration from the South is slower now than it was 20 years ago, and has been fairly level since about 2007. But as noted above, the pace of immigration to France and Germany has increased over the same time. If immigration is the driver, the trend lines should not diverge that dramatically.

Also, for immigration to be the driver of that kind of swing, a newly arrived population has to be the source of variance. While the immigrant population is definitely younger, the magnitude of the numbers seem improbable.

In particular, the dramatic turn downwards in the US in 2016 is startling. That strongly suggests childhood poverty under a new GOP Administration.

Doesn’t seem likely. I used to know this guy who was clear that the average food bank user in the UK drives an Audi, or something like that.

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What happened to that guy anyway? Sounds like someone I used to know, but I was away for 2 weeks and seemingly missed a lot…

Not much.

He was reported (again), we discussed it and did not sanction it in any way(again). But we did ask him to perhaps be more diplomatic/less offensive in the way he participates in conversations. The thread linked is his response. His account is still in good order, he is free and welcome to rejoin the conversation.

Honestly, it isn’t the worst thing if someone just cuts off for a few days/weeks/months if an internet forum is not working for them. After we lost the 2016 Europa League final, I didn’t log in for about three months. Found that far harder to take than the CL final losses (those take me about a week…). Nothing to do with anything in the forum per se, but I needed to not think of FSG wasn’t going to buy, who we should sell, etc., etc.

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And yet people in the UK and the US continue to vote for policies which sustain this situation.
It’s staggering.


I’ve just got the latest stats on that… the average is BMW now :wink: