NON Breaking News Stories

Non-breaking because it’s been going on for a while…

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That’s truly horrible.

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Translation: The #leone walking among the houses of #Ladispoli .Incredible what is happening.

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OMG, this totally flew under the radar. What’s the latest @Sithbare

This is the first I’ve heard of this as well.

Seems to be okay from what the article says. Let’s hope so.


Silly (sad) sausage of the day

So what is the go with the Pistorius release? Is he getting special treatment because of his disability and fame or is 13 years a stock standard punishment for murder in South Africa?

I could understand if it’s standard: a country of 60m with 20,000 murders a year probably needs to get them back out on the streets due to limited prison capacity.


They should be jailed for the rest of their lives.

I think it’s he’s eligible for Parole and had some time shaved off for good behaviour. Does not seem to have anything to do with his disability.

Seems they are all fine and rescued.


I don’t even know where to begin with this. Poor guy!

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Ah, some good news for a change :raised_hands:t3:

Not one to be vindictive, but good riddance


Odd how often utter bastards live so damn long. One hundred years…


Talking about non-breaking, I have only just discovered that Topic bars were discontinued in 2022.

I’m not a big chocolate eater, but I used to like them. :confused: