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Crimes come in many forms which unfortunately set the bar for others …
I agree, this one in particular needed harsher sentencing

Ticketmaster in attempted arsehole move found guilty in Australia.

I honestly can’t understand why so many places and event organisors still allow these cunts access to tickets.


I think it is horrible

both - just in case my statement above is too ambiguous.

Tragic stuff really , but some people just do not change

It’s just a shame there weren’t some punitive damages too. It needs to cost ticketmaster and these corporations much more to disobey the consumer law than to provide refund/exchange goods as legislated otherwise they will just continue trying to get away with this BS.

It’s really depressing that Haiti and Liberia with such glorious history are mired in such tragedy.

Haiti has been a basket case almost from the start. Haiti was crippled by the indemnity paid to France not long after independence. The initial annual payment was six times Haiti’s annual revenue, and additional payments were extracted over 122 years(!). The truly astonishing point is that the greater part of the ‘principal’ against which France demanded compensation for losses was the value of the Haitians themselves as slaves.

The real question of Haitian history is whether the French or the Americans are the biggest assholes.


amen to that statement

for all his eccentricities, there’s a certain actor who has quietly made a mission of his life to assist locations of the world in dire need of help


Expectations vs Reality memes

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Get rid of her ASAP - you don’t want that for the rest of your life.

Well yeah.

But to be fair to the wife , I would be pissed off AF if I was forced into taking a pilgrimage when I expected chilling in Goa.

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fucking religious fanatics once again having a “that’s mine” moment.

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That’s exactly what happens when the retards take charge of the establishment.

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Sometimes I wish that we can have an island, put all religious hardliners there, have a death match and then kill each other and when finally one religion comes out victorious, declared that the favour of God is on them above the rest, then we just bomb the shit of that whole island.


Of course their faces have to be blurred.
Can’t risk having them persecuted until we know what drove the poor souls to rampage around a town centre with machettes. :roll_eyes:

Firstly, isn’t it “prosecuted”?

Secondly, isn’t it in most cases because identification like that may prejudice any trial that they might be prosecuted in?

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