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I may be Scottish, but I don’t need any English lessons thanks.

Persecuted - Subject someone to hostility and ill treatment.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Well, so much for giving you the benefit of the doubt there I guess.

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I don’t even try with you.

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NYT did an excellent deep dive into it last year.


Interesting move here, trying to discourage the Chelsea Tractors from being driven into Paris. Personally I think ban them all together except for those that actually use them for off road usage. Anyone driving one of these in a city is a twat of the highest order (and that includes both my parents, 2 borthers, 1 sister in law and 1 neice)


suck my dick middle finger GIF

Angry GIF by Voidz

Nah, less of an issue in the UK I suspect, but you need to leave a tier of differentiation for the accountants who drive these to work:


pretty hard to pull my fishing boat and my utility trailer with a Toyota Corolla.

It’s funny, one of my brothers is in vehicle finance and as part of his job occasionally will house 2nd hand vehicles in his warehouse when they are waiting for them to finalise the sale, or get picked up if being transported outside of Melbourne. Whilst I was back home, he wanted me to help him move a couple of the trucks around as he had 1 booked for collection but it was pinned in by 2 others so he got me to drive a Ford Ranger to make space and my god was it a shit to drive.

So difficult to see out of properly, especially reversing where the back is totally invisible. Apparently he reckons some of the US trucks are even bigger and worse for visability

Hi :fu:
My borther doesn’t have one though

i await the weeks of protests on the street of Paris

we do.

its called ‘earth’

I fail to understand how a Ford Ranger truck is shit to drive. the cab is all glass and you’re higher off the ground than in a car so more visibility. no idea how the back of a truck is invisible from the cab??

probably had a hard top canopy over the tray.

their good things to drive but some of those canopies can be cumbersome.

You can’t see the back of the tray, so reversing is impossible unless you have someone to act as a spotter

Ford supply Rangers with no reversing sensors or cameras?
Thought they came as standard

This one didn’t have it. Could be it was an older model so may not have come as standard when it was manufactured.

All I know is that the car was far to big to be practical, unless your a farmer or living out in the sticks

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I found mine very practical

yeah I’m sorry mate but I can’t agree with you on that one.

a ute is far worse than a Ford Ranger truck. If you can’t back up a Ford Ranger (Or a Mazda B3000 which I drove for some time, same truck) then that may be considered an operator issue.

I’m about ready to transition away from my Santa Fe to a compact truck in a few years, as I am probably going to upgrade to an 18ft Boston Whaler which will be too heavy for my current vehicle to haul. am hoping Nissan gets their shit together and starts putting that Detroit Diesel in the Frontier.

Or Toyota starts shipping their diesel over here.

Friend of mine just bought a 2109 Dodge 3500 for his work (construction), when he’s empty it will do 9.6L/100km which is incredible considering it’s a 3500+ KG vehicle.

I don’t need something that big though