NON Breaking News Stories

Over It Abandon Thread GIF

Who hasn’t put the odd child in an oven accidentally? Was speaking to a neighbour recently, an oldish lady with a warty nose who fashioned this amazing house out of gingerbread and sweets, and she said she regularly ‘finds’ kids in hers.

This is an incredible visualization of the lasting East-West effect in Germany.


Interesting in general, although too fast and not enough detail.
The Eastern part of Germany was less well off and more backward well before WW2, but obviously, the division of the country has left deep scars.

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Very non-breaking, but just watched this powerful documentary about North Korean defectors on the BBC.


Another day another victory for ‘individual rights’ in the shithole that is the USA.

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A couple of things.

1 - I’ve never heard the phrase so what is it, how bad is it, and why?

2 - Yes I have never seen Mary Poppins

the term is “hottentots”

Hottentot is a term that was historically used to refer to the Khoekhoe, indigenous nomadic pastoralists of South Africa. Use of the term Hottentot is now deprecated and considered offensive, the preferred name for the non Bantu speaking indigenous people of the Western Cape area being Khoekhoe

season 1 friends GIF

It’s not set in the present day though, is it?
British people in the Edwardian era would have used words like that all the time. It’s just historically accurate.

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There is a succulent called the hottentot fig that grows on nature strips in our neighbourhood.

Not any more. It’s the Khoekhoe Fig now. Tell your neighbours.

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Thanks for clarifying

There is a special place in Hell for people like this…

Richard Wright KC, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court the boy had suffered a serious, fatal head injury after being shaken violently by his mother.

The prosecution said the child’s legs were heavily bandaged, hiding burns which covered up to 20% of his body and would have caused excruciating pain for several weeks prior to his death, having been forcibly and deliberately scalded in the bath… :cry:

I can’t even.

Just seen this on the ITV news.
Some parents saying more affordable child care would help. :flushed:
Some parents saying toilet training their OWN child is not solely their responsibility. :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:


its ridiculous of course, not saying it isnt…

logically, in a big picture way, its an inevitability of the way society is structured… 2 x working parents and the ‘extra’ income, is a base requirement for modern day survival…

the knock on effect is obvious to the ‘traditional’ family unit and the way children are raised

Been happening for decades.