NON Breaking News Stories

probably even longer…

but its an effect over long term thing in my mind.

Or lazy parenting?

yep…not justifying it, just theorising.

alot of workplaces now resemble a creche where middle management has to hold extended meetings to explain how to correctly hold a pair of scissors … no wonder the energy to teach is exhausted by the time both parents get home from their ever time demanding work places…

thenas the cycle turns another generation , you get the next lot of generation of children moving into the workplace with compromised social skills etc etc

It’s just like having Klopptimist back.

With added O&G and Asian badlands experience.

What kind of workplaces do you have experience with?!?

anecdotally, many industries.

are you here to tell me im wrong and productivity is all good, and people tend to care more about thier positions than ever…(note, not thier own career, but the position they hold)

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Nah will leave that for your wife😉

Fucking useless teachers not helping the poor parents, can’t even teach pupils how not to piss their pants

she doesnt even bother telling me anymore…its just understood that i am…

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I haven’t reached those heights yet. :rofl: Think mine enjoys ‘showing’ my backside I’m wrong…

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It’s actually a trend in many European countries, certainly Norway, that more and more of what is ordinary parenting is handed over to over-worked teachers. It should never be their job to toilet train children or teach them to lace their shoes. That is basic parenting, but it is normal these days to hear parents tell teachers that they expect them to teach their kids these things preciesly. In Norway it is regarded as a problem and one small factor why many teachers quit teaching.

I am not a fan of one liners and attributing easy blame on a group, like parents. But in this case, I think it is quite accurate. It should never be on teachers and it should be unacceptable that more and more such basic responsibility is cynically delegated to them. It is unseemly and one of the reasons why some in my family certainly, don’t want to teach anymore in elementary schools and also secondary. They don’t want to parent other people’s children and teach them basic decency (many parents expect that too, that teachers teach them how to behave socially that is).

So in short (I jest, I am never short), I am with Dane.

Your go to pickup line for the laydees? :rofl:

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I am; one in particular:

People are fuckwits.


It was the “some parents claim it is not solely their responsibility to toilet train their children” line in the news feed that got me.

Another one I have is, ‘keep well away from other peoples kids and certainly don’t let them in the house’.
In fact just keep away from people.
As you can imagine i have lots of friends. :rofl:

I have a feeling I’ll regret asking this, but how do you avoid people in a hotel?