NON Breaking News Stories

Almost a good horror movie plot here - lol, made me laugh though!

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The same company Rashford spoke out against during the Pandemic.

We know and talk about Pakistan :pakistan: where an election is just an endorsement of the Army approved candidates. Then, there’s Thailand :thailand:.

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You couldn’t make this up.

Police force is a real mess!

Reform Party doing well.

While it’s a sad indictment of British society that the Reform Party is doing well, the silver lining is that their success reduces the Tory vote.


This type of comb is being sold on the internet. This is dangerous. Need to shame the company selling them. I am sure the national police force have been informed about this.

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They need to be banned and sent to jail.

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Obviously doesn’t belong here, that being said, no idea where it does.

Kate Middleton is undergoing preventative chemotherapy treatment.

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In the Royal Family thread.

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How long before this becomes an Olympic event?


Not likely. Too many health related issues can crop up. The lady in question is an endurance runner where the finish matters more than the time but making it into an olympic sport will more often than not lead to calamity as the runners push for speed too.

Endurance running for any substantial period of time is an incredible achievement in itself.

I’ve been called worse things.

They can make it easier where it’s ok to be fat, participate and runs out of breath after 45 minutes by calling it Ross Barkley Marathon

never. there are already ultra-marathons which are much more popular than that Barkley

3 people in serious danger of dying here, and in keeping with todays society, just keep filming.

More concerning would be why they think it is ok to sit on rail tracks in the first place?

2nd thought is if, they are that dumb, imagine how dumb future generations from their bloodlines will be

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It’s even more concerning that Dane thinks someone should do something about it. It’s not like many walk around with 10 foot barge poles now is it. You could just end up with a mass heap of bodies. I did notice someone agitating and acting concerned but wisely stayed away until all 3 had flopped.

How do evaluate Rwanda 30 years after the genocide?

The have, reportedly, made amazing progress in terms of economy and in some social sectors too. But it’s not just an dictatorial country, it’s actively stocking the conflict in DR Congo.

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