NON Breaking News Stories

Fighting at Cheltenham, fighting at Aintree.
Seems to be quite the fashionable thing these days

I used to go racing regularly but avoid the big meetings nowadays. You get loads of blokes dressed up as Peaky Blinders characters, off their faces on cocaine and then drinking all day. The women aren’t much better.

It’s a recipe for disaster.

What is there to fight about at a horse racing meet?
Are the horses being doped as well and randomly to even the playing field?

Football and women, usually.

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The state of journalism these days… Seems to mainly be picking up press releases and passing them off as their own articles.

Nasty scumbags.

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This is quite sad in a way…

Another sad story but there something morbidly funny/bizzare about this

this is incredibly sad.

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This is by far the funniest I have seen this week and the previous week ! :smiley:
And it’s actually real ! It’s a real person and a real party, with a real former 2nd leader that he now loathes and hates (fractionalism being so common on the extreme left and right, as we all know).
I don’t think anyone should worry about this party taking over, but have a listen and get a smile on your face :heart: :innocent: :laughing:

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Poor man. He needed help that he certainly was unable to find on the internet and amongst his QAnon friends.

Dumb-ocratic :0)

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While I get your mirth, my concern with shite like this is that it opens space for a slightly less unhinged looney to say similar and, by iteration, this becomes a ‘perspective’ that right wing media start introducing for ‘balance’. The Nazis and Trump were both not taken seriously and explained away by the establishment and thus allowed to take root.

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I don’t think the socioeconomic and sociopolitical situation in Ireland is comparable to the US to be fair. I don’t see this nazi party as something that could be a political force in Ireland. In the US, situation is very different with a Two Party System (where grassroot movement called Tea Party grew powerful and later grew into even more vulgar MAGA, then hijacked one of 2 parties through Trump and Trumpism) and Ireland has a proportional system, unlike First Past the Post and a proportional system defends pretty well against such parties getting too powerful.

For me, this is mostly just funny and I don’t really find it alarming. Germany has a much, much bigger problem with sanitised racist authoritarian parties hailing from NSDAP-like ideologies. This Irish Nazi party is more an amusing joke in comparison in my view.

Extremism is never a joke.


Didn’t know where else to share this excellent piece by Monbiot, so putting it here. Well worth a read…

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