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Tyler Fury’s dad.
What a prick.

“You come in the space, you’re going to get what’s coming.”

The lad never flinched, and this big dope ended up cut & bloody.

He’s a bully, I’d love to see someone deck him.

What do you guys think?


it’s fear-mongering…maybe the west has gotten too comfortable in the middle class and needs a reality check when it comes to it’s abundance of consumerism.

Entire video makes sense. From a Canadian POV I can say that the carbon tax has definitely impacted my bills. I also expect that the prices were going up, however the extra tax put rising prices into overdrive. Add ridiculously high house prices, ridiculously high rents, and we heading into a perfect storm that will be insanely difficult for the current or next ruling party to fix.

nevermind the $6000 property tax bill that just showed up in the mail.

I heard that one factor for Canada not building enough houses to meet demands, therefore driving up prices of current houses, is that the current laws made it really difficult and expensive for companies to build houses, is that true? I am sure there are other factors but from a layman point of view, if the government has the will to build more affordable housing, what is there to stop them?

The carbon tax is just something the right use as a scapegoat to conceal blatant profiteering.

As for Rubin’s interview, it’s a pity that he doesn’t expand upon the impact that the rise of the BRICS countries will have over the next few decades.


I think that is grossly overstated. Compared to most countries, Canada is incredibly easy to build a new house. It is just somewhat more complex than it was a generation ago. But our housing market overall is somewhat broken, and the federal government has been simply irresponsible in allowing unsustainable levels of immigration that is by definition to the urban areas where it has been a problem for a while.

At a fundamental level, with the way our financial sector works it is far easier for someone to get access to $700k to drive the price of an existing house up to a ridiculous level than to get $500k to build a new detached house, and the $500k is easier than the 20x $350k needed to build the denser forms of housing we actually need. We have known this since at least 2007 (CMHC report, CMHC being the government mortgage guarantor), but nothing meaningful has been done about it.

The result is absurd sprawl that we don’t have the infrastructure to support (calling @Bekloppt ), and that in turns slows construction of those units. Meanwhile, the city of Ottawa (~1M) is geographically larger than London (~9M)

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Judge Ok GIF by truTV’s Those Who Can’t

Today, such a party has no chance indeed. But throw in ten years, add a nasty economic crisis, people getting used to that kind of speeches, and who knows… so it will depend on how the general situation evolves during the next decades.

However, this peculiar guy lacks a bit of charism to drain the masses imo. Then again, I’d have said the same of a certain Mr. Hitler, who had something profoundly ridiculous about him, but look how that panned out: 2.63% votes in 1928 (many people must have called him a joke at the time), followed by a landslide win in 1933, merely five years later. Danger always looms and can come from a corner we don’t necessarily expect…

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not at all true. building a home is a trying ordeal at the best of times with the hoops that someone has to jump through for permits and inspections and testing and all the other bullshit they didn’t have to deal with 30 years ago

My brother built the Shangri-La in Toronto as the lead carpenter on site. a $500,000,000 building that took 3 years to complete (including the water dragon feature on the side of the lobby).

His house he is just completing, took two years from start to finish.

Try building a house almost anywhere in Europe.

Canadian builders used to be able to throw up a piece of crap with a building permit and a vague say-so from the municipality, then run away with the profit. Cities would struggle to extend streets, water, and sewers, then deal with irate citizens when it turned out the development was in a flood plain after all. The house would maybe conform to a building code that had no energy requirement, having been inspected perhaps twice in a full year of construction.

Just look at the absolute fiasco of leaky/rotten Vancouver condos, much of which was cleaned up at taxpayer expense. Of course there are more permits and inspections and testing and other bullshit…so we don’t have to deal with all that mould and leak bullshit.

Would that be the Shanrgi-La Toronto that has been sued several times for having glass panels come popping out and smashing on the sidewalk below? Maybe another year for some quality control and inspection would have been a good idea after all.

Building in Canada is more complex than it was a generation ago, but is still orders of magnitude easier than building in most developed countries - especially outside urban areas.

you’ve thrown a lot of stuff out there so let’s start point-by-point

there will always be shitty builders, that’s the job of the inspectors to catch bad builders and the cities to stop issuing permits to the companies that do shoddy work.

that’s a problem with the city OCP who hasn’t done their diligence for urban planning

goes with the next below

bad building codes and bad architects. Building california-style stucco-sided condos in a temperate rainforest is just stupid. Vinyl siding and Hardie Panel exteriors with proper rain-screening is the correct way to do it, multiple layers of waterproofing the exteriors and don’t create air-tight seals on both sides of a wood-framed structure. this is why the smart contractors back in the 90’s when the inspectors would pass their weatherproofing would vent the vapor barrier on the inside wall before drywall so the lumber could breathe inside the wall. otherwise, it trapped moisture in the wall and it would rot.

Modern exterior vapor barrier (Tyvek is the most common brand) acts like Gore-tex. repels water but breathes to let the wall vent properly.

I don’t know why those glass panels were falling out of the balconies, sounds like a shitty design and install job. Also happened on the Shangri-La Vancouver tower so guessing that’s a design issue.

@Arminius something to note as well, his last completed project was Brentwood Mall as the site superintendant. I heard there were over 1400 revisions to the original designs of that building which required a full-time civic staff to oversee and manage. Architects who were completely disconnected with the builders

But this is about building homes, and there’s simply not enough land in this city to build single-family homes… and thus they are building these giant high-density neighborhoods (metrotown, brentwood, central city, newport village) and trying to connect them with rapid transit systems to lower the road density of cars…

How exactly do inspectors ensure conformity with proper design principles, building codes, and municipal plans, except with all those permits, inspection, and testing that the industry now complains so bitterly about (having made out like robber barons for the past 50 years)?

Developers have been so goddamn coddled by the governments they have been buying off that they are now whiny prima donnas at the first hint of real regulatory bite. But the reality is that most houses built from 1970 onward have been absolute garbage. A 100-year old house has a good chance of lasting generations, one built in the 90s probably won’t make to 50 years without serious problems and overhaul. Our existing housing stock is a disaster, and yet the industry responsible is wringing their hands about the regulation their own shoddy work brought down on their heads.

this is why I bought a house built in 1968, albiet it has it’s own problems which I’m having to address.

My dad built this house himself in 1983-1984 and it will be there in 100years, I guarantee it. Tried talking the Mrs into buying it for ourselves but she doesn’t want to move. I want to…

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There have been good builders all along, and we might have some confirmation bias with old houses - the 100 year old crap fell apart long ago. Someone who knew what they were doing and built the place for himself is probably about as good it gets in the 1980s though. I worked a summer in the mid-80s as a general labourer for framing carpenter contractors. Saw so much utter crap being done in the name of meeting deadlines.

when you’re building the home for yourself, it’s a much different level of attention to detail…

My brother was obsessive about the framing of his house, it’s only 1/8" off across the furthest distance across the house from perfectly level. can’t do much better than that.

3300sqft house with a 25000btu furnace, it’s a properly built home inc triple-glazed windows. cost him a pretty penny but he’ll never leave that home.

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Even the houses in new neighbourhoods are not even close to the price range that would be affordable to first time homeowners under the age of 35.