OoooOoo /Shudder VAR Thread

“In Greece, we release the audio of VAR decisions,” he said.

"People appreciate it. They might not always agree with it, but they appreciate it. I think that should happen.

“We should be able to listen to the audio. We might not agree with it, but at least then we would understand.”

Sadly the PGMOL and P/L will never allow this as it will show up the refs for being utterly clueless. It has been proven to work in other sports that use video technology, but football will be scared that their refs are openly proven to be complete morons

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I dont know if other countries had the same issues. My impression was it was mainly the UK.

Doesn’t Telles win the ball here?

Yes he does but then goes on to obstruct the player he was trying to tackle. That’s a penalty! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Watching todays matches(13/2/2022)…how would VAR/Stockley Park cope if on the last day of the season when everyone plays at 3pm…and VAR have to review 1/2/3/4 incidents at the same time…would we all have to wait…would the games involved come to a halt…because as ever it took ages today to view a handball…how would they cope…


That’s a very good question. I’d say that they’ll just make the decision/s based on the toss of a coin. They same way they do now. :nerd_face:

Well what did they do last season?

Plus at some points they are running 5 and 6 anyhow I guess they just have separate rooms

There are different VAR teams/technicians for every match?

Without this descending into a discussion about ref corruption and oligarch bribes, can anyone unwrap the disallowed goal last night?

The VAR clearly saw something that was worth referring back to the on field ref. It was called offside. I’m almost 100% certain the ball was nowhere near Virg, and pretty much every free kick over the last decade has had an attacker standing in an offside position whose job is to disrupt the defence?? but not affect play so with knowing that goals aren’t being ruled out for that, how the fuck was this called offside?

If they called it a foul, I wouldn’t say ‘fair enough’ because it would honestly be one of the softest free kicks ever given considering it didn’t even look like a foul in super slow mo, but at least there would be a tiny element of logic in the decision.

Can anyone unpack this decision because it looked like a shit call, and even the day after winning the cup it still angers me that this was called. I’m usually pretty fair and calm headed about the refs but this one to me was nuts.


I thought Van Dijk was called offside because he was judged to have impeded James which directly impacted his ability to get to Mane. So by being part of the play he can be called offside, which he was marginally.

I totally disagree with it though as we should get about 5 penalties a game if they are calling that minimal contact as an impede.


So in that case if Virg was in an onside position and impeded James, then the goal would have stood, correct? In short, Virg impeding him wasn’t in itself enough to warrant a free kick against Virg but was enough to influence James’ ability to reach Mane. Fair enough. Pretty soft but fair enough. Let’s see it consistently called now.

It didn’t have to be a foul though…it was the fact that he did it after coming from an offside position…just as if he had played it or attempted to. He simply got in the way.

I wouldn’t mind the decision against Virg last night, if VAR were consistent - but they’re not.

Everton (rightly so!) have written to the PL. They should have had a clear penalty and it was ignored by the corrupt cunts at VAR. Suspect nothing comes of it mind -

A fine? Lost me mate…

I suspect that the Premier League will fine Everton for bringing the game into disrepute by questioning these decisions. We can’t have anyone pointing out that their multi-billion pound global product is fixed, can we?


When they make an obvious error and messed up big time, they usually let comments slide and take no action (or a token fine), in the hope that everyone has forgotten by the next round of fixtures.

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Come on, they used the well described standard of “we think it’s a penalty, but we’re going to wait until we’re at the pub with our mates to say so.”

One thing I do hate about these discussions though is how the press continue to perpetuate misperceptions and thus stoke the flames. One might reasonably think that it’s a good use of the monitor to give the ref the opportunity to just “go and have another look”, but that is explicitly NOT what it is there for. Allowing managers to air complaints that this was not afforded the ref is part of the problem.

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I was listening to the Blueshites own commentary channel… The one you can hear fans screaming abuse at their own players… If gives ya a real feeling of the toxic atmosphere inside the ground… And I tell you this, If the Blueshite had been awarded the penalty at that moment, and scored from it… there is no way the Cheaters came away from that match with any points never mind getting a draw… The fans were hammering Pep and his players… really baying for blood… a Second for the Blueshite was really on the cards…!
They say the Mancs and in particular, the Manc referees don’t particularly like Scousers… If we look at WIGAN in Greater Manchester where Paul Tierney is from, we are definitely not flavour of the month or any other month with a lot of the inhabitants there either…!
He definitely knew the impact that his decision of non penalty would have on the PL chase…

What do you have to back up this statement? I’m no fan of Tierney but Wigan whilst recently being moved as part of Greater Manchester (from Lancashire) will have zero association with Manchester as a city, especially with regards to football. Rugby town is Wigin…

It was also Kavanagh on VAR from Ashton-Under-Lyme who failed completely. Fair play to Lampard to point out that it’s either incompetence or corruption.


If you grew up in Liverpool you would have no need to ask such a thing… A lot of the outskirt towns have a lot of anti-scouse resentment… just as they have plenty that get on together no problem… a mixed bag.
Tierney lives 16mls from Goodison and about the same distance from the Ethiad… no problem there you would think… but the Blueshite are not the ones competing for the PL… we are… so any dubious or biased decisions he makes could be done for ulterior motive… and that is a fact.!
After his poor refereeing performance when we recently played Spurs… ANYONE with a suspicious mind, will think the dark arts were at play at Woodison.!

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