Post match: Liverpool v Spurs (EPL 30/4/23 4.30pm)

Anyone who changes their accent for TV cameras is a fraud.
No pride.

I think the thing with Gallagher is that unless it is obvious the ref is in the wrong then he goes with what the ref has decided.He then looks at why the ref “came to that decision”.

Klopp’s comments today don’t directly say why he was so uncomfortable with that Tierney allegedly said to him, but do seem to give an indication if you can read between the lines.

According to Klopp Tierney told him that he wanted to give him a red, but on advice of the 4th official downgraded it to a yellow. That poses the question of what Tierney saw to want to give him a red? Either he immediately turned to watch Klopp as soon as the goal went in to see if he could catch him doing something (which is a problem) or he looked over after the incident and decided that without having seen it that it was a red, which again is a problem. Either way it is a ref targeted a manager, but because he didnt use vulgar language (seeming what the PGMOL though Klopp’s initial accusation meant) they have cleared him of wrong doing.

I am not one who frames this stuff in conspiratorial language, but I am aware of how impact my experience of my work is when I get assigned to projects with people I dont like. It is pretty obvious Tierney is carrying something around with him that impacts how he referees Klopp and his team


Jurgen Klopp confirmed that he shouted “Without you” at the fourth official when Diogo Jota scored the winner at Spurs.

If you look back to a few weeks ago when the same ref booked Robbo ,he didn’t see what had happened as he didn’t act or move towards the incident for at least half a minute,so what was he booking Robbo for.The PGMOL were the only ones that thought the linesman done nothing wrong in that incident,pundits,other supporters and ex-ref all said the linesman elbowed Robbo and had to be sanctioned in some way yet nothing has happened to him and no responsibility taken by the refereeing body.This is the type of situation which leads managers and supporters to thinking maybe some refs do have an agenda and may go someway to explain Klopp coming out with what he said on sunday.


Hahaha, moving goalposts. Read it in it’s whole context, ie your response to another poster.

Of course taken in isolation, unless you’re a nutter, anyone would prefer to break a bone in the foot rather than their head.

But you won’t just say yep, you’ll continue to move the goalposts.

Yeah it’s dumbing down society really. He’s saying stuff to get a reaction. It’s like talksport, the presenter doesn’t really believe what their arguing half the time.
Newspapers have become gossip mags, they don’t report the news, they put their spin on it.
That’s why I basically only read TTT’s. It might be his slant but it’s a slant I can stomache. Anyway he doesn’t hide it’s his viewpoint. As opposed to Dermot who makes out he’s interpreting the rules.

I hope he’s confronted with that

It’s pretty easy. Don’t assign him to our games in the future. Find someone unbiased instead.
Problem solved.

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Someone unbiased? Uff, easier said than done.

I think you’re confusing “moving the golaposts” with “being utterly demonstrably correct”

A big problem here is the sheer volume of Liverpool games Tierney officiates. He gets loads of them. It’s absurd.

He has referee’d us seven times this season already. That’s 21% of our fixtures.

There are 22 referees on the PL panel. We should be seeing each referee twice, three times at most a season.

Even if you take a charitable view - he isn’t biased, he’s just a really shit referee - him getting such a disproportionate number of Liverpool games just means grievances are going to build and fester.


Nope. You’re confusing “being utterly demonstrably correct” with moving the goalposts. You’d rather win the argument than have integrity. No biggie.

But hey, life’s too short to get involved in a to and fro contest with you. So yeah whatever.


Wasn’t he booked for dissent? If that was on the word of the linesman then so be it.

However, on Sunday’s game he gave a yellow for dissent towards the 4th official (which no-one is complaining about) but Klopp claims he would have made it a red. That’s referring on emotion rather than the game. I can see why Klopp thinks he has a problem.


I do not understand why, if the refs are already mic’d up, that the audio can’t be shared with the TV audience. I don’t want a constant stream of ref comms but why they can’t take a leaf out of rugby’s book for once I’ll never know.

At key moments you get to hear the ref. Usually this is when talking to the TMO (VAR equivalent) or when they are explaining a decision to the players. When it’s the TMO, you get to know what the refs perspective is first before he invites the TMO to review. Take the Jota incident, you’d have got something like “what im seeing is the player making contact with the head with a high boot. There’s no deliberate intent and for me it’s reckless and a yellow card.”

The TMO then watches it through (with the ref on a big screen but we know that’s not happening in football) and you hear them talk it over. Were there mitigating circumstances? Did the player dip his head? Did Jota have time to pull out etc. The TMO has to convince the ref to change his on field decision or it stands.

Now, even if you’re left still left questioning the decision they’ve come to, everyone knows how they’ve come to it, what they’ve considered and taken into account and crucially what the refs initial decision was and why he might have changed it.

You also then get to hear them explain it to the players so they understand. Now everyone knows how they got to the decision they did. Rarely if ever do you then see endless debates from commentators, pundits and the media about these things. Everyone accepts the ref will occasionally interpret it slightly differently but he’s provided a rationale for it at the time and everyone just cracks on from there.

Unfortunately with football there seems to be this narrative that refs should be respected but not have to provide any rationale for their decisions except to the PMGOL who’ll circle the wagons to protect them at all costs. It hardly harbours good relations towards them from anyone else in the game. Decisions they make decide games, tournaments and sometimes people’s jobs but they continue to perform at astonishingly poor levels and never have to justify any decision they make.

I wonder if the PMGOL even provide the clubs copies of the match reports for them to review.


Trent kicking Richarlison’s shirt


10 game ban incoming no doubt!!!

You were replying to my direct comparison of the 2 challenges


Bringing the game into disrepute usually 2-3 with a fine.

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i’d say it may be closer to 4/5 as it’s the 2nd time this season and they warned him obout future conduct.It’s ridiculous that a manager cannot question a refs integrity after a game yet the rules forbidding players from betting on other clubs games are essentially doing the same thing.In doing so they are suggesting players would be doing that for dubious reasons but there is no way a ref would do that.