We’re in the same TZ it sounds like. I’ve missed a bunch of weekday games this year but I took a half-day as well, figuring we would lose and I would mope but that I’d get an afternoon to myself off for it. Wasn’t prepared to be happy for the 5 hours after the game and before I went to bed — spent it all watching the highlights!
Did we had a penalty in 2021? I can’t remember when our last penalty was.
Only one against City I think
extremely delighted that we beat that “shite”
and this being posted a good few days after the game. There are a few things in life that I hate, that shite team being one of them
Me too, I didn’t see it coming at all. It was funny, though, because — while not feeling confident — I had a feeling this year we’d have a better shot at them at OT than Anfield, although our record at the former has been atrocious. The Maguire excuse rings hollow given our VVD situation, but even without that they are extremely top-heavy as a team, and I think we exposed them for what they are: good in attack (I count Bruno as an attacker) but vulnerable in midfield and defense. I’ll take our system over “counter and hope for a penalty” any day.