Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I wonder where he was, the BAR room by mistake due to not having his glasses on?

I like having conversations with Limie as he puts his points over very well and from what the laws of the game say. Yes we do disagree on some points of the interpretation and what an outcome maybe but I respect what he says and the way he goes about it.


Well said Malcom? Martin? Max? Milhouse? Marmaduke?

Come on, give us a clue? :thinking::wink::nerd_face:

Moby ā€¦

Maybe possibly Mandrake, Mando, McCoy, Marcos, or even Mohammed? :sweat_smile:


When you click on his username, it literally says ā€˜Markā€™.


Spoilsport! :sob: :joy:

It might be Howard Webbā€¦
For his middle name is Meltonā€¦ or Melt for short :0)
If you are heā€¦ I claim my Ā£5

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I think this is pointed at a few people, and is totally unfair.

You are representing the Jones red as defensible based on ā€œbendā€ in the leg. You are not applying the same criteria to the tackle that injured Cody?

People on here, or indeed anywhere that catalogue injustices against Liverpool are not diluting anything. They are more likely highlighting a genuine agenda against the club.

And to call what people discuss as nonsense is certainly unfair. If your ā€œtakeā€ on the Jones red is so certain then why are the club appealing it?
Its obviously because people who have access to same information that you have believe the red card was not merited.

Your explanation for the red card, reasonable as it is makes you the man in the corner shouting at the wall.
And your view wonā€™t be vindicated by a rejection of the appeal.
That may happen because they wonā€™t compound the crimes committed against LFC on Saturday.


We can all have an educated input though?
I mean, Klopp and his team have an educated input?
And they belive the Jones red was unmerited. Ergo, an appeal.

My problem with @Limiescouse view is that by defending or representing the protocols of VAR he misses the fact that decisions may be corrupted. And using the likes of Dale Jonson, a stepoed up intellectual version of Whitewash Gallagher isnā€™t helping his case.

Iā€™d want the whole game personally. Nothing where they can decide when to start and finish the clip.


And Iā€™m from Yorkshire and same town lol


There is a rumour circulating that both VARs were watching the golf when Diaz scoredā€¦
Probably fanciful?

Where would you put the bookings for Salah, Robertson, and Jota (first one) then?

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In my mind at least, I think @Limiescouseā€™s point is that you canā€™t criticise properly without understanding, and therefore you need to know (a) the system (the protocols, rules, and how they are used and applied), (b) the refereeing mindset, and (c) the refereeing experience, in order to make valid criticisms, rather than just wildly swinging around with invalid ones that then serve to undermine your point, justly or not.


The longer it takes for them to release the audio, the more rumours will spread. If there was itching to hide they could have handed it over on Sunday night

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Where he falls down is in his view that he is the only one on here who understands or interprets correctly.

I am convinced that Liverpool are aware of the a,b and c you outline. Yet they see merit in appealing the Jones red card.

If we accept the view that @Limiescouse offers on that red, well the club wouldnā€™t appeal?
BTW, I think the appeal will fail. Not on merit of appeal but because they cannot make matters worse.



Prior to moving to NZ, 16 years ago I used to be referee instructor, unfortunately the refs then were just given a rule book to learn and memorise.

I was lucky as I worked as a Physical education officer in the prison service and had the use of the sportshall, where I could take a more practical approach with the would be referees and go through various challenges and examples of what constitutes a foul, a push, even discussing leaving the ball to play the man and we would chat about varioys interpretations.

The best ones were mostly those who had played the game as they, not only could recognise fouls etc but also had experience of being in similar situations and could control players better with their manner and knowledge.

I know when I left they were introducing videos as a tool to recognise foul play, but without having played the game or sport in general they just donā€™t understand the nuances of what is a contact sport.

So just knowing the rules verbatim and even taking heed of the IFAB interpretations isnā€™t enough in a sport that is played at high speed where players are challenging for the ball, you sometimes need common sense with a nuanced knowledge of the game.

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