Post Match: Villa v Liverpool (EPL 13/5/24 8pm)

some of the team. I thought Endo and Gomez ran their socks off today.


The Slot stuff doesnā€™t worry me, this is obviously end of season/era rubbish but Iā€™m genuinely not happy with that last 10.

Have they heard of booting it clear? Itā€™s like they got bored on FIFA and started to see what would happen.


Remember when Klopp said he was leaving because he was drained and somehow some of the media turned that into the players will go on to win everything for him? Once upon a time mad as a bag of talking carrots batshit crazy drivel.


Not even close. Two disorganized teams outdoing one another on whoā€™s going to make more mistakes.

End of the season, not going after anything but this sort of performances shouldnā€™t be acceptable. Not for a team that supposedly has high standards and wants to win titles.

Slot is going to have his hands full.

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When the subs 1st came on we were solid for 5 - 10 mins and it wasnā€™t the subs, it was the non sub, Macca, was knackered and was culpable in both their goals. He has been fantastic for us but has played a lot of footy


As I said there is no issue with Slot. This evidently seems like a team going through the motions. The only one who seemed to understand what defending was , was Gomez.

Anyhow glad this has only 6 days to run.


I found their come-back quite good to be honest. It was more than only our lads losing interest imo.

Anyway, this has no bearing at all. It was and still is a dead rubber for us. Third place is secured since weeks, and that was always going to lead to a lack of focus on our side, so Iā€™m not surprised at all by the scenario tonight to be honest.


Curious to why NUENZ removed all his LFC pics from social media. Safe to say heā€™s gone this summer?

I wasnā€™t talking about the players or the result, but about the fans. A win would obviously be nice and the icing on the cake, but it all will really be about Kloppoā€™s last match at Anfield, and all the memories and emotions coming upā€¦

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Bit of a tilly tantrumā€¦your namesake advised him otherwiseā€¦

Iā€™ll get slaughtered for criticising Klopp, but Iā€™m sorry he fucked up again, bringing four subs on at the same time. We were 3-1 up and he treats the game like heā€™s playing Football Manager on his PlayStation. Yes, there was nothing at stake for us, but Iā€™m bloody pissed off at another win thrown away.


Not for the first time Iā€™m surprised by the melodrama in this forum. I wasnā€™t on match thread and actually quite enjoyed the game. Nothing to play for, could just watch mindlessly unlike all the stressful games this season.

The result makes sense. Villa playing for CL spot in front of a noisy crowd. Weā€™re just playing for pride (that we lost a few weeks ago).

When the dust settles this was still a better season than we were expecting last summer. CL, a cup,midfield rebuild at much less expense than our competitors. We have a good squad, a good management structure, and with a couple of new players still have plenty to get excited about.

Hope in yer hearts, ye fuckers!


Iā€™m not seeing it sorry.

As I said the only one who seemed to understand how to defend in that last 20 was Gomez. If they could have strung a pass together back there then there was no comeback.


After the Villa goal keeper fumble (which was rather big) and that miss of the season they had in front of goal, we canā€™t really complain about the lack of 3 points if I am coldly analytical, but I sat there never the less hurting when I confident of victory, saw us collapse once again.
Not the farewell for Klopp I had fervently hoped for, but we will maintain Champions League placement and there is the big farewell game at Anfield to win :slight_smile:
Not the end of the world, just a bit sad and I am a bit glum, canā€™t lie.

On the other hand, Villa probably deserved a point. Great season for them and congrats to them. I really hope they get Champions League (Spurs can still overtake them), which would be a grand crowning achievement for what has been a remarkable season for them. I think we should respect that.


Iā€™m not defending Klopp, but the subs were positive in the straight away we were creating chances.

The error is taking Endo off and moving a tiring Macca to No.6. Macca was too relaxed in there and fucked up.

Once Villa got one the equaliser was always coming i felt.


I only heard them sing about unemployment once, but even that is puzzling considering Birmingham has more unemployment than Liverpool according to these statistics:


Yessir. Loves to take Endo off no matter how heā€™s playing.

Tbh Iā€™m not sure Klopp cares too much which team he sends out or which subs he makesā€¦just that he wants to give everyone a run out in the last few games, even at 3-1 up he looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

I totally agree. He took Endo off last week against Spurs and it all went downhill. I just donā€™t understand why he would take him off, unless he was injured

I think this is the absolute heart of it.


Nothing to play for,and it showed,the 4 subs bit was in explicable.Expect it to all come together for the last game of an era!
Hope so,anyway!