Post Match: Villa v Liverpool (EPL 13/5/24 8pm)

My streams packed up before 1/2 time, I saw we were 1-3 up and thought well unless something catastrophic happens we’ve won this one. Went to work, got sent home for being a naughty boy, looked up the score and couldn’t believe it. I know our defense were farting around but so were there’s.
I see Klopp made some subs however he’s never been good at this often leaving on knackered players because they can be influencial and the such like. Anyway I’m disappointed!

How did Quasah get MOTM?
He was weak from what I saw, get in before they are in the box FFS!

I know I’ll regret asking, but….?

I don’t know yet, something that happened Friday night that they aren’t happy about.
They think it’s bad enough to get me the sack.
So I have a week off then I have some holiday time.
I’ll get in touch with a lawyer tomorrow.

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Re the Darwin offside goal, whenever he gets in that position he’s either offside or hits it over (or onto) the bar. As soon as he scored I therefore assumed offside.

It’s kind of amusing. Kind of.

They are like mancs, never let the facts get in the way of scouse stereo-typing. Thick as pigshit.


typical scouser stereotyping mancs as thick as pig shit. jeez

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Before kick off we couldn’t finish any lower, or any higher, than third.

We played quite well and then after the four subs we lost our shape. A hungry Villa side, who will probably finish fourth but really wanted that point, went for it.

My main comment, if we want to win the Prem, is that an elite defensive midfielder changes everything. Endo did well and we were much more solid with him on the pitch, and much as he is a solid citizen who has done quite well for us, he is not elite and should be seen as a dependable squad man.

MacAllister is an excellent midfielder who can do the lot, but playing as a defensive midfielder is not his best position, and we saw some looseness in his play tonight that let Villa back in. I think he does his best work a little further forward as a left sided 8.

I actually think our defence isn’t as bad as it has appeared. Stick an elite defensive midfielder in there and it will look so much better. Teams cut through us too much and we lack control in the engine room, especially in comparison to Arsenal (Rice) or Man City (Rodri), who we will be trying to better next season.

Thats the sort of player we need. I saw a report in Football 365 that we were in for choo-choo. Probably bollocks, but that’s the sort we need. A boss in the defensive midfield role.


Best of a bad bunch most likely.

One of those games where a tap in goal in the only contribution of his game is enough to get a few votes and seeing as Quansah’s goal was the most appealing….

In truth, not a single one deserved it. Duran got the official award and he was on the pitch for 10 fucking minutes, utterly embarrassing.

Choo-choo is a dream…FSG has been doing a great job at buying players with selling players to keep up…

It isn’t just a defensive midfielder it is how we are setting up and a lot of the times we are not tracking runners, a lot of the time we are cut open with one pass and a clever run.

Has anyone seen the interview with Trent, where he discusses Jurgen not being too upset in giving the ball away as it sometimes causes a team to open up so when we win the ball back we then have space to play in.

Since listening to that and watching us play it seems to have made us too blaise when in possession and giving away the ball to easily then ourselves being open.

Just a thought and observation.

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You need to be very well positionned for that and we never are;

Also do you see how our strikers do stand in a line, when we haven’t posession whilst our midfield bomb up to the opposition goalkeeper?
Talk about leaving space/opening up!

It’s amusing in the “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry” kind of way. :joy: :sob:

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It does seem that the midfielders jump regularly to start the press

Never looked forward so much to a football season ending

To be honest, the last time I felt less interest in the next one beginning was June 2014. I guess I have less certainty than I did then, but not a great deal to look forward to in August nonetheless. Not yet, anyway.


Funny you should mention 2014.
Although only playing for pride, last night was reminiscent of Palace in 2014.

Your workplace sounds incredible

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I think our lads suddenly got into a ‘complacent mode’ a good few weeks ago and couldn’t get out of it. We let teams way too easily to get at our defense. I think some of our lads don’t want to help out defensively. I wonder if any of our lads put in a wee shift after regular training sessions. Most probably them days are gone, cos’ they probably think they don’t need to practice more to become better players
Really feel disappointed with our players attitude these last couple of months. Jurgen deserved better commitment from them.

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